Juhani Krekelä c10e54dd34
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Make run with Python 3.6 without external dependencies
2024-09-30 22:17:19 +00:00

335 lines
11 KiB

from typing import Any
from cohost.models.block import AttachmentBlock
from import Post
from import fetch, generate_login_cookies, fetchTrpc
class Project:
def __init__(self, user, data):
# this helps editors understand what we're setting
from cohost.models.user import User # noqa: F401
self.user= user
# we can't specify this type globally due to all kinds of import errors
# but that gives us our login chain back, if that makes sense!
self.projectId = data['projectId'] = data
if self.projectInfo is None:
raise AttributeError("Project not found")
def __str__(self):
return "@{}".format(self.handle)
def handle(self):
return self.projectInfo['handle']
def displayName(self):
return self.projectInfo['displayName']
def dek(self):
return self.projectInfo['dek']
def headline(self):
return self.dek
def description(self):
return self.projectInfo['description']
def avatarUrl(self):
return self.projectInfo['avatarURL']
def headerUrl(self):
return self.projectInfo['headerURL']
def privacy(self):
return self.projectInfo['privacy']
def bioUrl(self):
return self.projectInfo['url']
def pronouns(self):
return self.projectInfo['pronouns']
def flags(self):
return self.projectInfo['flags']
def avatarShape(self):
return self.projectInfo['avatarShape']
def projectInfo(self):
def atomFeed(self):
# TODO: This is a bad assumption
# Cohost gives us a rel=link we should use instead
# However, to get this exposed in our API asap, this works
return "{}/rss/public.atom".format(self.handle)
def rssFeed(self):
# Cohost's feeds aren't "RSS" but actually the atom format
# Most RSS readers will just call this RSS though
# As such, you *should* be fine
# But! it's good to note the difference & technicality
# See for more information
return self.atomFeed
def jsonFeed(self):
# See above note in relation to the rssFeed method
return "{}/rss/public.json".format(self.handle)
def getPostsRaw(self, page=0):
return fetch('get',
'/project/{}/posts?page={}'.format(self.handle, page),
def getPosts(self, page=0):
postData = self.getPostsRaw(page)
posts = []
for post in postData['items']:
posts.append(Post(post, self))
return posts
def ask(self, content, sourceProject, anon=False):
from cohost.models.project import EditableProject
if not isinstance(sourceProject, EditableProject):
raise TypeError("sourceProject must be an editable project")
sourceProject = sourceProject # EditableProject
fetchTrpc('asks.send', sourceProject.user.cookie, {
"toProjectHandle": self.handle,
"content": content,
"anon": anon}, methodType='postjson')
def getAsksRaw(self):
rawResp = fetchTrpc('asks.listPending', self.user.cookie, {
'input': {'projectHandle': self.handle}
return rawResp['result']['data']['asks']
class EditableProject(Project):
def __init__(self, user, projectId):
from cohost.models.user import User # noqa: F401
self.user = user
# we can't specify this type globally due to all kinds of import errors
# but that gives us our login chain back, if that makes sense!
self.projectId = projectId
if self.projectInfo is None:
raise AttributeError("Project not found")
def projectInfo(self):
projects = self.user.editedProjectsRaw
for project in projects:
if project['projectId'] == self.projectId:
return project
raise AttributeError("Project not found")
def post(self, headline, blocks= [], cws= [],
tags= [], adult= False, draft=False, shareOfPostId= None):
# Basic flow: you send a POST to project/{handle}/posts
# This gives us back a post ID, as well as a API link
# For example:
"postId": 53648,
"_links": [
"href": "/api/v1/project_posts/53648",
"rel": "post",
"type": "GET"
# Then, if you have images:
# Upload them by sending data *about* the image to
# project/{handle}/posts/{postId}/attach/start
# This will respond back with something like...
"attachmentId": "yourattachmentid",
"url": "",
"requiredFields": {
"acl": "public-read",
"Content-Type": "image/webp",
"Content-Disposition": "inline",
"Cache-Control": "max-age=31536000",
"key": "attachment/yourattachmentid/foo.webp",
"bucket": "redcent-dev",
"X-Amz-Algorithm": "...",
"X-Amz-Credential": "...",
"X-Amz-Date": "20220716T110215Z",
"Policy": "...",
"X-Amz-Signature": "..."
# We can THEN send the image to DO spaces, using the credentials
# Once this is uploaded, we can tell cohost the upload is finished
# We do this by sending another POST to the following URL:
# project/{handle}/posts/{id}/attach/finish/{attachmentId}
# After ALL of this we sent a PUT (what a change) request to:
# project/{handle}/posts/{postId}
# the body of this is the same as what we initially POST'd, but -
# now, we replace the blank attachmentId
# We do this with the corresponding one we got back
# The only catch is change postState to 1, instead of zero
# postState refers to if the post should be public
# if it is zero, it will only exist as a draft
blockL = []
attachments = []
for b in blocks:
if type(b) is AttachmentBlock:
for attachment in attachments:
blockL.insert(0, attachment.dict)
postData = {
'postState': int((not draft) and (len(attachments) == 0)),
'headline': headline,
'adultContent': adult,
'blocks': blockL,
'cws': cws,
'tags': tags,
if shareOfPostId is not None:
'shareOfPostId': shareOfPostId
req = fetch(
if len(attachments) == 0 and (not draft):
return self.getPosts()[0] # this will be what we just posted
if len(attachments) == 0:
return None # TODO: Get drafts working!
# OK so, we can now feed each attachment block our post ID
for attachment in attachments:
attachment.uploadIfNot(req['postId'], self)
# Sick! Everything is uploaded
# We can now rebuild the post data and send it back to cohost
blockL = []
for b in blocks:
postData = {
'postState': int(not draft),
'headline': headline,
'adultContent': adult,
'blocks': blockL,
'cws': cws,
'tags': tags
if shareOfPostId is not None:
'shareOfPostId': shareOfPostId
req = fetch(
'/project/{}/posts/{}'.format(self.handle, req['postId']),
if not draft:
return self.getPosts()[0] # this will be what we just posted
return None # TODO: Get drafts working!
def editPost(self, postId,
headline, blocks,
cws= [], tags= [],
adult= False, draft=False):
# same thing as post() but -
# initial request is a PUT to project/{handle}/posts/{postId}
blockL = []
attachments = []
for b in blocks:
if type(b) is AttachmentBlock:
for attachment in attachments:
blockL.insert(0, attachment.dict)
postData = {
'postState': int((not draft) and (len(attachments) == 0)),
'headline': headline,
'adultContent': adult,
'blocks': blockL,
'cws': cws,
'tags': tags
req = fetch(
'/project/{}/posts/{}'.format(self.handle, postId),
if len(attachments) == 0 and (not draft):
return self.getPosts()[0] # this will be what we just posted
if len(attachments) == 0:
return None # TODO: Get drafts working!
# OK so, we can now feed each attachment block our post ID
for attachment in attachments:
attachment.uploadIfNot(postId, self)
# Sick! Everything is uploaded
# We can now rebuild the post data and send it back to Cohost
blockL = []
for b in blocks:
postData = {
'postState': int(not draft),
'headline': headline,
'adultContent': adult,
'blocks': blockL,
'cws': cws,
'tags': tags
req = fetch(
'/project/{}/posts/{}'.format(self.handle, req['postId']),
if not draft:
return self.getPosts()[0] # this will be what we just posted
return None # TODO: Get drafts working!
"""Set this project as the default project
This applies for actions such as retrieving notifications
def switch(self):
fetchTrpc('projects.switchProject', self.user.cookie, {
"projectId": self.projectId
}, methodType="postjson")
def create(user, projectName, private= False,
adult= False):
raise NotImplementedError(
"""Can be technically implemented, however -
I'm choosing not to to respect cohost.
I don't want bots creating tons of pages and handles.