zgrep 8b6c9697e0 The happybot revolves around the Earth.
The Earth revolves around the God.
The God gives you a world full of viral diseases.
You curse God.
You revolve around God.
God revolves around a door.
The door opens.
This is going nowhere, you can stop reading now.

I said you could stop.

Okay, that's it, I'm really ending it now.
2018-08-14 03:24:50 -04:00

51 lines
1.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
special = {
'heart': '\u2764',
'zwsp': '\u200b',
colors = {name: code for code, *names in map(str.split, '''
00 white w
01 black b
02 blue navy navyblue
03 green
04 red 05 brown maroon
06 purple
07 orange olive
08 yellow
09 lightgreen lime
10 teal greenbluecyan
11 lightcyan cyan aqua
12 lightblue royalblue royal
13 pink lightpurple fuchsia
14 grey gray
15 lightgrey lightgray silver
99 default
'''.strip().split('\n')) for name in names}
from sys import argv
chan = argv[1]
output = ''
for arg in argv[2:]:
if arg[0] == '-':
arg = arg[1:]
if arg[0] == '-':
output += arg
elif arg in special:
output += special[arg]
elif arg[0] == 'x':
output += chr(int(arg[1:]))
elif ',' in arg:
a, b = arg.split(',')
output += '\x03' + colors[a] + ',' + colors[b]
output += '\x03' + colors[arg]
output += arg
with open('/home/zgrep/offtopiabday/irc.freenode.net/' + chan + '/in', 'w') as fh:
fh.write(output + '\n')