2018-08-14 02:46:20 -04:00

169 lines
5.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from graphviz import Digraph
from re import compile as regex
from collections import defaultdict
from subprocess import check_output
from os import listdir
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as comb
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
from math import inf, log2
# The magic offtopia-specific variables.
eval(compile(check_output("""cat /home/zgrep/irctimes/munge.py | sed -n '/^rename\s*=\s*/,/)$/p'""", shell=True), __file__, 'exec'))
bots = 'MartesZibellina program minicat Eldis4 happybot bslsk05 WOPO oonbotti2 j-bot PeNGu1N_oF_d00m'.split()
common = [''.join(chr(int(n)) for n in x.split('_')).lower() for x in listdir('/home/zgrep/irctimes/numpydata')]
colors = ['#f0a3ff', '#0075dc', '#993f00', '#4c005c', '#191919', '#005c31', '#2bce48',
'#ffcc99', '#808080', '#94ffb5', '#8f7c00', '#9dcc00', '#c20088', '#003380',
'#ffa405', '#ffa8bb', '#426600', '#ff0010', '#5ef1f2', '#00998f', '#e0ff66',
'#740aff', '#990000', '#ffff80', '#ffff00', '#ff5005']
talkto = regex(r'[0-9-]+ [0-9:]+ <([^>]+)> (?:(\S+?):\s+|\s*<([^>]+)>)?')
def readlogs():
with open('/home/zgrep/offtopiabday/irc.freenode.net/#offtopia/out', 'rb') as fh:
prev, replyto = None, None
for line in fh:
line = line.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
m = talkto.match(line)
if m:
nick, to, to2 = m.groups()
nick = rename.get(nick, nick)
if to2: to = to2
to = rename.get(to, to)
if to and to not in ('nolog', 'D', ':D'):
replyto = to
elif nick != prev:
replyto = prev
if replyto\
and replyto not in bots\
and replyto.lower() in common\
and nick not in bots\
and nick.lower() in common:
yield nick, replyto
prev = nick
def accum(it):
numlines = defaultdict(int)
graph = defaultdict(int)
for nick, to in it:
numlines[nick] += 1
graph[(nick, to)] += 1
return numlines, graph
def top(numlines, n=10):
global colors
assert isinstance(n, int) and 0 < n <= len(colors)
people = list(sorted(numlines, key=numlines.get, reverse=True))
return people[:n]
def minmax(people, data):
minimum, maximum = inf, 0
for a in people:
for b in people:
d = data[(a, b)]
if d < minimum:
minimum = d
if d > maximum:
maximum = d
return minimum, maximum
def matrix(people, data):
matrix = [ [0] * (1 + len(people)) for _ in range(1 + len(people)) ]
matrix[0][0] = None
for i, a in enumerate(people):
matrix[0][1+i] = a
matrix[1+i][0] = a
for j, b in enumerate(people):
matrix[1+i][1+j] = data[(a, b)]
return '# Row ---sends-to---> Column\n\n' + repr(matrix) + '\n'
outdir = '/home/zgrep/offtopiabday/cloud/output/graph/'
def main():
global colors
print('Reading logs...')
numlines, data = accum(readlogs())
print('Creating matrix...')
with open(outdir + 'matrix.py', 'w') as fh:
fh.write(matrix(list(numlines), data))
for a in numlines:
print('Crunching', a, 'data...')
graph = Digraph(format='png', engine='circo')
graph.attr('node', shape='plaintext', fontsize='20', margin='0.2')
minimum, maximum = inf, 0
for b in numlines:
for d in (data[(a, b)], data[(b, a)]):
if d < minimum:
minimum = d
if d > maximum:
maximum = d
for b in numlines:
fn, rn = data[(a, b)], data[(b, a)]
f = 10 * (fn - minimum) / max(1, maximum - minimum)
r = 10 * (rn - minimum) / max(1, maximum - minimum)
w = f + r
if w < 0.05:
i = log2(1+log2(1+abs(f - r)/max(f, r)))
if r > f:
color = hsv_to_rgb(0, 1, i)
color = hsv_to_rgb(1/3, 1, i)
color = '#' + ''.join(hex(int(255*c))[2:].zfill(2) for c in color)
if f < r:
elif f > r:
direction = ''
direction = 'both'
graph.edge(a, b, dir=direction, penwidth=str(w), color=color)
print('Drawing', a, 'graph...')
graph.render(outdir + a.replace('/', '*'))
print('Crunching collective data...')
people = top(numlines, len(colors))
minimum, maximum = minmax(people, data)
colormap = { p: c for p, c in zip(sorted(people), colors) }
graph = Digraph(format='png', engine='circo')
graph.attr('node', shape='plaintext', fontsize='25', margin='0.2')
#graph.attr('graph', bgcolor='#000000')
for p in people:
graph.node(p, fontcolor=colormap[p])
for a, b in comb(people, 2):
f, r = data[(a, b)], data[(b, a)]
f = 15 * (f - minimum) / max(1, maximum - minimum)
r = 15 * (r - minimum) / max(1, maximum - minimum)
w = f + r
if w < 0.05:
graph.edge(a, b, dir='both', color=colormap[b] + ';0.5:' + colormap[a], penwidth=str(w))
print('Drawing graph...')
graph.render(outdir + 'c/offtopia')
return list(numlines)
if __name__ == '__main__':
people = main()
print('Making index.')
with open(outdir + 'index.html', 'w') as fh:
fh.write('<!DOCTYPE html><title>#offtopia graphs</title><meta charset="utf-8"/><ul>')
fh.write('<li><a href="c/offtopia.png">#offtopia</a> (<a href="c/offtopia">dot</a>)</li>')
for dotname in people:
fname = dotname + '.png'
fh.write('<li><a href="' + fname + '">' + dotname + '</a> (<a href="' + dotname + '">dot</a>)')
fh.write('<li><a href="matrix.py">python matrix</a></li>')