%include "ponydos.inc" cpu 8086 bits 16 org 0 process_event: push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push bp push ds push es mov bp, cs mov ds, bp mov es, bp cmp ax, WM_INITIALIZE jne .not_initialize call initialize .not_initialize: cmp ax, WM_PAINT jne .not_paint call paint .not_paint: pop es pop ds pop bp pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax retf initialize: ; Set wallpaper mov si, wallpaper_name xor dx, dx call PONYDOS_SEG:SYS_OPEN_FILE mov bp, PONYDOS_SEG mov es, bp mov bx, GLOBAL_WALLPAPER xor di, di ; read call PONYDOS_SEG:SYS_MODIFY_SECTORS ; Put window 1 in the window chain mov ax, cs add ax, 0x001 xchg [es:GLOBAL_WINDOW_CHAIN_HEAD], ax mov [next_window1], ax ; Put window 2 in the window chain mov ax, cs add ax, 0x002 xchg [es:GLOBAL_WINDOW_CHAIN_HEAD], ax mov [next_window2], ax ; Temporary testing mov ax, cs mov es, ax mov di, window_1 + 32 mov cx, 3 mov dx, 16 call print_ls mov di, window_2 + 80 mov cx, 3 mov dx, 40 call print_ls ret paint: mov bp, cs sub bx, bp cmp bx, 0x001 je .window1 cmp bx, 0x002 je .window2 mov ax, bx call hexprint16 call hang .window1: mov bx, [next_window1] call forward_event mov byte [window_1.number], '1' ; Draw a rectangle on-screen mov bx, 16 mov cx, 16 mov dx, 4 mov si, window_1 mov di, 10 mov bp, 3 call PONYDOS_SEG:SYS_DRAW_RECT ret .window2: mov bx, [next_window2] call forward_event mov byte [window_2.number], '2' mov bx, 40 mov cx, 40 mov dx, 4 mov si, window_2 mov di, 14 mov bp, 6 call PONYDOS_SEG:SYS_DRAW_RECT ret ; in ; cx = height of window (>= 1) ; dx = width of window in characters ; es:di = start of output print_ls: push ax push bx push cx push si push di push bp push ds mov bp, PONYDOS_SEG mov ds, bp push cx push di mov si, GLOBAL_DIRENTS + 2 xor ax, ax ; Maximum filename size .name_loop: cmp word [ds:si - 2], 0 je .done_names push cx call strlen mov bx, cx pop cx cmp bx, dx jle .not_long_filename mov bx, dx .not_long_filename: cmp ax, bx jge .not_new_max mov ax, bx .not_new_max: push si push di .copy: movsb inc di ; Formatting dec bx jnz .copy pop di pop si ; Move to next line add di, dx add di, dx add si, FS_DIRENT_SIZE cmp si, GLOBAL_DIRENTS + 0x200 jge .done_names dec cx jnz .name_loop .done_names: pop di pop cx ; Don't print sizes for too short a window cmp dx, 10 jle .done add ax, 5 ; 1 whitespace, 4 length cmp ax, dx jle .not_truncate mov ax, dx .not_truncate: sub ax, 5 ; Go to start of where to put the file length add di, ax add di, ax mov si, GLOBAL_DIRENTS .size_loop: mov ax, word [ds:si] test ax, ax jz .done mov byte [es:di + 8], 'K' shr ax, 1 aam ; mango add ax, 0x3030 cmp ah, 0x30 je .one_digit mov byte [es:di + 2], ' ' mov [es:di + 4], ah jmp .one_digit_print .one_digit: test word [ds:si], 1 jnz .one_and_half_digit mov byte [es:di + 4], ' ' .one_digit_print: mov [es:di + 6], al jmp .next_iter_size_loop .one_and_half_digit: mov byte [es:di], ' ' mov byte [es:di + 2], al mov byte [es:di + 4], '.' mov byte [es:di + 6], '5' .next_iter_size_loop: ; Move to next line add di, dx add di, dx add si, FS_DIRENT_SIZE cmp si, GLOBAL_DIRENTS + 0x200 jge .done dec cx jnz .size_loop .done: pop ds pop bp pop di pop si pop cx pop bx pop ax ret ; in: ; ds:si = string ; out: ; cx = stlen strlen: push ax push di push es mov cx, ds mov es, cx mov di, si mov cx, -1 xor ax, ax repne scasb not cx dec cx pop es pop di pop ax ret ; in: ; bx = window ID ; out: ; clobbers di forward_event: cmp bx, 0 je .end push cs ; Return segment mov di, .end push di ; Return offset mov di, 0xf000 and di, bx push di ; Call segment xor di, di push di ; Call offset retf .end: ret next_window1 dw 0 next_window2 dw 0 wallpaper_name db 'wallpaper.bin', 0 %include "debug.inc" window_1: db 'W', 0x0f, 'i', 0x0f, 'n', 0x0f, 'd', 0x0f, 'o', 0x0f, 'w', 0x0f, ' ', 0x0f, .number db '*', 0x0f times 8 db ' ', 0x0f times 16 db ' ', 0xf0 times 16 db ' ', 0xf0 times 16 db ' ', 0xf0 window_2: db 'W', 0x0f, 'i', 0x0f, 'n', 0x0f, 'd', 0x0f, 'o', 0x0f, 'w', 0x0f, ' ', 0x0f, .number db '*', 0x0f times 32 db ' ', 0x0f times 40 db ' ', 0xf0 times 40 db ' ', 0xf0 times 40 db ' ', 0xf0