Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 5980be9b3c Add Sortix Math Library.
This work is based in part on code from NetBSD libm, libc and kernel.

The library is partly public domain and partly BSD-style licensed.
2013-12-17 14:30:39 +01:00

304 lines
11 KiB

/* @(#)s_erf.c 5.1 93/09/24 */
* ====================================================
* Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Developed at SunPro, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software is freely granted, provided that this notice
* is preserved.
* ====================================================
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#if defined(LIBM_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
__RCSID("$NetBSD: s_erf.c,v 1.11 2002/05/26 22:01:55 wiz Exp $");
/* double erf(double x)
* double erfc(double x)
* x
* 2 |\
* erf(x) = --------- | exp(-t*t)dt
* sqrt(pi) \|
* 0
* erfc(x) = 1-erf(x)
* Note that
* erf(-x) = -erf(x)
* erfc(-x) = 2 - erfc(x)
* Method:
* 1. For |x| in [0, 0.84375]
* erf(x) = x + x*R(x^2)
* erfc(x) = 1 - erf(x) if x in [-.84375,0.25]
* = 0.5 + ((0.5-x)-x*R) if x in [0.25,0.84375]
* where R = P/Q where P is an odd poly of degree 8 and
* Q is an odd poly of degree 10.
* -57.90
* | R - (erf(x)-x)/x | <= 2
* Remark. The formula is derived by noting
* erf(x) = (2/sqrt(pi))*(x - x^3/3 + x^5/10 - x^7/42 + ....)
* and that
* 2/sqrt(pi) = 1.128379167095512573896158903121545171688
* is close to one. The interval is chosen because the fix
* point of erf(x) is near 0.6174 (i.e., erf(x)=x when x is
* near 0.6174), and by some experiment, 0.84375 is chosen to
* guarantee the error is less than one ulp for erf.
* 2. For |x| in [0.84375,1.25], let s = |x| - 1, and
* c = 0.84506291151 rounded to single (24 bits)
* erf(x) = sign(x) * (c + P1(s)/Q1(s))
* erfc(x) = (1-c) - P1(s)/Q1(s) if x > 0
* 1+(c+P1(s)/Q1(s)) if x < 0
* |P1/Q1 - (erf(|x|)-c)| <= 2**-59.06
* Remark: here we use the taylor series expansion at x=1.
* erf(1+s) = erf(1) + s*Poly(s)
* = 0.845.. + P1(s)/Q1(s)
* That is, we use rational approximation to approximate
* erf(1+s) - (c = (single)0.84506291151)
* Note that |P1/Q1|< 0.078 for x in [0.84375,1.25]
* where
* P1(s) = degree 6 poly in s
* Q1(s) = degree 6 poly in s
* 3. For x in [1.25,1/0.35(~2.857143)],
* erfc(x) = (1/x)*exp(-x*x-0.5625+R1/S1)
* erf(x) = 1 - erfc(x)
* where
* R1(z) = degree 7 poly in z, (z=1/x^2)
* S1(z) = degree 8 poly in z
* 4. For x in [1/0.35,28]
* erfc(x) = (1/x)*exp(-x*x-0.5625+R2/S2) if x > 0
* = 2.0 - (1/x)*exp(-x*x-0.5625+R2/S2) if -6<x<0
* = 2.0 - tiny (if x <= -6)
* erf(x) = sign(x)*(1.0 - erfc(x)) if x < 6, else
* erf(x) = sign(x)*(1.0 - tiny)
* where
* R2(z) = degree 6 poly in z, (z=1/x^2)
* S2(z) = degree 7 poly in z
* Note1:
* To compute exp(-x*x-0.5625+R/S), let s be a single
* precision number and s := x; then
* -x*x = -s*s + (s-x)*(s+x)
* exp(-x*x-0.5626+R/S) =
* exp(-s*s-0.5625)*exp((s-x)*(s+x)+R/S);
* Note2:
* Here 4 and 5 make use of the asymptotic series
* exp(-x*x)
* erfc(x) ~ ---------- * ( 1 + Poly(1/x^2) )
* x*sqrt(pi)
* We use rational approximation to approximate
* g(s)=f(1/x^2) = log(erfc(x)*x) - x*x + 0.5625
* Here is the error bound for R1/S1 and R2/S2
* |R1/S1 - f(x)| < 2**(-62.57)
* |R2/S2 - f(x)| < 2**(-61.52)
* 5. For inf > x >= 28
* erf(x) = sign(x) *(1 - tiny) (raise inexact)
* erfc(x) = tiny*tiny (raise underflow) if x > 0
* = 2 - tiny if x<0
* 7. Special case:
* erf(0) = 0, erf(inf) = 1, erf(-inf) = -1,
* erfc(0) = 1, erfc(inf) = 0, erfc(-inf) = 2,
* erfc/erf(NaN) is NaN
#include "math.h"
#include "math_private.h"
static const double
tiny = 1e-300,
half= 5.00000000000000000000e-01, /* 0x3FE00000, 0x00000000 */
one = 1.00000000000000000000e+00, /* 0x3FF00000, 0x00000000 */
two = 2.00000000000000000000e+00, /* 0x40000000, 0x00000000 */
/* c = (float)0.84506291151 */
erx = 8.45062911510467529297e-01, /* 0x3FEB0AC1, 0x60000000 */
* Coefficients for approximation to erf on [0,0.84375]
efx = 1.28379167095512586316e-01, /* 0x3FC06EBA, 0x8214DB69 */
efx8= 1.02703333676410069053e+00, /* 0x3FF06EBA, 0x8214DB69 */
pp0 = 1.28379167095512558561e-01, /* 0x3FC06EBA, 0x8214DB68 */
pp1 = -3.25042107247001499370e-01, /* 0xBFD4CD7D, 0x691CB913 */
pp2 = -2.84817495755985104766e-02, /* 0xBF9D2A51, 0xDBD7194F */
pp3 = -5.77027029648944159157e-03, /* 0xBF77A291, 0x236668E4 */
pp4 = -2.37630166566501626084e-05, /* 0xBEF8EAD6, 0x120016AC */
qq1 = 3.97917223959155352819e-01, /* 0x3FD97779, 0xCDDADC09 */
qq2 = 6.50222499887672944485e-02, /* 0x3FB0A54C, 0x5536CEBA */
qq3 = 5.08130628187576562776e-03, /* 0x3F74D022, 0xC4D36B0F */
qq4 = 1.32494738004321644526e-04, /* 0x3F215DC9, 0x221C1A10 */
qq5 = -3.96022827877536812320e-06, /* 0xBED09C43, 0x42A26120 */
* Coefficients for approximation to erf in [0.84375,1.25]
pa0 = -2.36211856075265944077e-03, /* 0xBF6359B8, 0xBEF77538 */
pa1 = 4.14856118683748331666e-01, /* 0x3FDA8D00, 0xAD92B34D */
pa2 = -3.72207876035701323847e-01, /* 0xBFD7D240, 0xFBB8C3F1 */
pa3 = 3.18346619901161753674e-01, /* 0x3FD45FCA, 0x805120E4 */
pa4 = -1.10894694282396677476e-01, /* 0xBFBC6398, 0x3D3E28EC */
pa5 = 3.54783043256182359371e-02, /* 0x3FA22A36, 0x599795EB */
pa6 = -2.16637559486879084300e-03, /* 0xBF61BF38, 0x0A96073F */
qa1 = 1.06420880400844228286e-01, /* 0x3FBB3E66, 0x18EEE323 */
qa2 = 5.40397917702171048937e-01, /* 0x3FE14AF0, 0x92EB6F33 */
qa3 = 7.18286544141962662868e-02, /* 0x3FB2635C, 0xD99FE9A7 */
qa4 = 1.26171219808761642112e-01, /* 0x3FC02660, 0xE763351F */
qa5 = 1.36370839120290507362e-02, /* 0x3F8BEDC2, 0x6B51DD1C */
qa6 = 1.19844998467991074170e-02, /* 0x3F888B54, 0x5735151D */
* Coefficients for approximation to erfc in [1.25,1/0.35]
ra0 = -9.86494403484714822705e-03, /* 0xBF843412, 0x600D6435 */
ra1 = -6.93858572707181764372e-01, /* 0xBFE63416, 0xE4BA7360 */
ra2 = -1.05586262253232909814e+01, /* 0xC0251E04, 0x41B0E726 */
ra3 = -6.23753324503260060396e+01, /* 0xC04F300A, 0xE4CBA38D */
ra4 = -1.62396669462573470355e+02, /* 0xC0644CB1, 0x84282266 */
ra5 = -1.84605092906711035994e+02, /* 0xC067135C, 0xEBCCABB2 */
ra6 = -8.12874355063065934246e+01, /* 0xC0545265, 0x57E4D2F2 */
ra7 = -9.81432934416914548592e+00, /* 0xC023A0EF, 0xC69AC25C */
sa1 = 1.96512716674392571292e+01, /* 0x4033A6B9, 0xBD707687 */
sa2 = 1.37657754143519042600e+02, /* 0x4061350C, 0x526AE721 */
sa3 = 4.34565877475229228821e+02, /* 0x407B290D, 0xD58A1A71 */
sa4 = 6.45387271733267880336e+02, /* 0x40842B19, 0x21EC2868 */
sa5 = 4.29008140027567833386e+02, /* 0x407AD021, 0x57700314 */
sa6 = 1.08635005541779435134e+02, /* 0x405B28A3, 0xEE48AE2C */
sa7 = 6.57024977031928170135e+00, /* 0x401A47EF, 0x8E484A93 */
sa8 = -6.04244152148580987438e-02, /* 0xBFAEEFF2, 0xEE749A62 */
* Coefficients for approximation to erfc in [1/.35,28]
rb0 = -9.86494292470009928597e-03, /* 0xBF843412, 0x39E86F4A */
rb1 = -7.99283237680523006574e-01, /* 0xBFE993BA, 0x70C285DE */
rb2 = -1.77579549177547519889e+01, /* 0xC031C209, 0x555F995A */
rb3 = -1.60636384855821916062e+02, /* 0xC064145D, 0x43C5ED98 */
rb4 = -6.37566443368389627722e+02, /* 0xC083EC88, 0x1375F228 */
rb5 = -1.02509513161107724954e+03, /* 0xC0900461, 0x6A2E5992 */
rb6 = -4.83519191608651397019e+02, /* 0xC07E384E, 0x9BDC383F */
sb1 = 3.03380607434824582924e+01, /* 0x403E568B, 0x261D5190 */
sb2 = 3.25792512996573918826e+02, /* 0x40745CAE, 0x221B9F0A */
sb3 = 1.53672958608443695994e+03, /* 0x409802EB, 0x189D5118 */
sb4 = 3.19985821950859553908e+03, /* 0x40A8FFB7, 0x688C246A */
sb5 = 2.55305040643316442583e+03, /* 0x40A3F219, 0xCEDF3BE6 */
sb6 = 4.74528541206955367215e+02, /* 0x407DA874, 0xE79FE763 */
sb7 = -2.24409524465858183362e+01; /* 0xC03670E2, 0x42712D62 */
erf(double x)
int32_t hx,ix,i;
double R,S,P,Q,s,y,z,r;
ix = hx&0x7fffffff;
if(ix>=0x7ff00000) { /* erf(nan)=nan */
i = ((uint32_t)hx>>31)<<1;
return (double)(1-i)+one/x; /* erf(+-inf)=+-1 */
if(ix < 0x3feb0000) { /* |x|<0.84375 */
if(ix < 0x3e300000) { /* |x|<2**-28 */
if (ix < 0x00800000)
return 0.125*(8.0*x+efx8*x); /*avoid underflow */
return x + efx*x;
z = x*x;
r = pp0+z*(pp1+z*(pp2+z*(pp3+z*pp4)));
s = one+z*(qq1+z*(qq2+z*(qq3+z*(qq4+z*qq5))));
y = r/s;
return x + x*y;
if(ix < 0x3ff40000) { /* 0.84375 <= |x| < 1.25 */
s = fabs(x)-one;
P = pa0+s*(pa1+s*(pa2+s*(pa3+s*(pa4+s*(pa5+s*pa6)))));
Q = one+s*(qa1+s*(qa2+s*(qa3+s*(qa4+s*(qa5+s*qa6)))));
if(hx>=0) return erx + P/Q; else return -erx - P/Q;
if (ix >= 0x40180000) { /* inf>|x|>=6 */
if(hx>=0) return one-tiny; else return tiny-one;
x = fabs(x);
s = one/(x*x);
if(ix< 0x4006DB6E) { /* |x| < 1/0.35 */
} else { /* |x| >= 1/0.35 */
z = x;
r = __ieee754_exp(-z*z-0.5625)*__ieee754_exp((z-x)*(z+x)+R/S);
if(hx>=0) return one-r/x; else return r/x-one;
erfc(double x)
int32_t hx,ix;
double R,S,P,Q,s,y,z,r;
ix = hx&0x7fffffff;
if(ix>=0x7ff00000) { /* erfc(nan)=nan */
/* erfc(+-inf)=0,2 */
return (double)(((uint32_t)hx>>31)<<1)+one/x;
if(ix < 0x3feb0000) { /* |x|<0.84375 */
if(ix < 0x3c700000) /* |x|<2**-56 */
return one-x;
z = x*x;
r = pp0+z*(pp1+z*(pp2+z*(pp3+z*pp4)));
s = one+z*(qq1+z*(qq2+z*(qq3+z*(qq4+z*qq5))));
y = r/s;
if(hx < 0x3fd00000) { /* x<1/4 */
return one-(x+x*y);
} else {
r = x*y;
r += (x-half);
return half - r ;
if(ix < 0x3ff40000) { /* 0.84375 <= |x| < 1.25 */
s = fabs(x)-one;
P = pa0+s*(pa1+s*(pa2+s*(pa3+s*(pa4+s*(pa5+s*pa6)))));
Q = one+s*(qa1+s*(qa2+s*(qa3+s*(qa4+s*(qa5+s*qa6)))));
if(hx>=0) {
z = one-erx; return z - P/Q;
} else {
z = erx+P/Q; return one+z;
if (ix < 0x403c0000) { /* |x|<28 */
x = fabs(x);
s = one/(x*x);
if(ix< 0x4006DB6D) { /* |x| < 1/.35 ~ 2.857143*/
} else { /* |x| >= 1/.35 ~ 2.857143 */
if(hx<0&&ix>=0x40180000) return two-tiny;/* x < -6 */
z = x;
r = __ieee754_exp(-z*z-0.5625)*
if(hx>0) return r/x; else return two-r/x;
} else {
if(hx>0) return tiny*tiny; else return two-tiny;