Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 6367a2352e Added sforkr(2) that controls the child registers as well.
sfork(2) now calls sforkr(2) with the current registers.

This will prove useful in creating threads, where user-space now can fully
control what state the child will start in. This is unlike the Linux clone
system call that accepts a pointer to the child stack; this is more powerful
and somehow simpler. Note that this will create a rather raw thread; no
thread initization has been done by the standard thread API (when it is
implemented), so this feature shouldn't be used by programmers unless they
know what they are doing.

fork(2) now calls sfork(2) directly. Also removed fork(2) and sfork(2) from
the kernel as they are done using sforkr(2) now. So technically they aren't
system calls right now, but that could always change.
2012-04-05 23:00:47 +02:00

861 lines
21 KiB

This file is part of Sortix.
Sortix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
Sortix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with Sortix. If not, see <>.
Describes a process belonging to a subsystem.
#include <sortix/kernel/platform.h>
#include <sortix/unistd.h>
#include <sortix/fork.h>
#include <libmaxsi/error.h>
#include <libmaxsi/memory.h>
#include <libmaxsi/string.h>
#include <libmaxsi/sortedlist.h>
#include "thread.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "directory.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include <sortix/kernel/memorymanagement.h>
#include "initrd.h"
#include "elf.h"
#include "syscall.h"
using namespace Maxsi;
namespace Sortix
bool ProcessSegment::Intersects(ProcessSegment* segments)
for ( ProcessSegment* tmp = segments; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next )
if ( tmp->position < position + size &&
position < tmp->position + tmp->size )
return true;
if ( next ) { return next->Intersects(segments); }
return false;
ProcessSegment* ProcessSegment::Fork()
ProcessSegment* nextclone = NULL;
if ( next )
nextclone = next->Fork();
if ( nextclone == NULL ) { return NULL; }
ProcessSegment* clone = new ProcessSegment();
if ( clone == NULL )
while ( nextclone != NULL )
ProcessSegment* todelete = nextclone;
nextclone = nextclone->next;
delete todelete;
return NULL;
next->prev = nextclone;
clone->next = nextclone;
clone->position = position;
clone->size = size;
return clone;
addrspace = 0;
segments = NULL;
sigint = false;
parent = NULL;
prevsibling = NULL;
nextsibling = NULL;
firstchild = NULL;
zombiechild = NULL;
firstthread = NULL;
workingdir = NULL;
errno = NULL;
mmapfrom = 0x80000000UL;
exitstatus = -1;
pid = AllocatePID();
// Avoid memory leaks.
ASSERT(segments == NULL);
delete[] workingdir;
// TODO: Delete address space!
void Process::ResetAddressSpace()
ProcessSegment* tmp = segments;
while ( tmp != NULL )
Memory::UnmapRangeUser(tmp->position, tmp->size);
ProcessSegment* todelete = tmp;
tmp = tmp->next;
delete todelete;
segments = NULL;
errno = NULL;
Process* Process::Fork()
ASSERT(CurrentProcess() == this);
Process* clone = new Process;
if ( !clone ) { return NULL; }
ProcessSegment* clonesegments = NULL;
// Fork the segment list.
if ( segments )
clonesegments = segments->Fork();
if ( clonesegments == NULL ) { delete clone; return NULL; }
// Fork address-space here and copy memory.
clone->addrspace = Memory::Fork();
if ( !clone->addrspace )
// Delete the segment list, since they are currently bogus.
ProcessSegment* tmp = clonesegments;
while ( tmp != NULL )
ProcessSegment* todelete = tmp;
tmp = tmp->next;
delete todelete;
delete clone; return NULL;
// Now it's too late to clean up here, if anything goes wrong, the
// cloned process should be queued for destruction.
clone->segments = clonesegments;
// Remember the relation to the child process.
clone->parent = this;
if ( firstchild )
firstchild->prevsibling = clone;
clone->nextsibling = firstchild;
firstchild = clone;
firstchild = clone;
// Fork the file descriptors.
if ( !descriptors.Fork(&clone->descriptors) )
Panic("No error handling when forking FDs fails!");
Thread* clonethreads = ForkThreads(clone);
if ( !clonethreads )
Panic("No error handling when forking threads fails!");
clone->firstthread = clonethreads;
// Copy variables.
clone->mmapfrom = mmapfrom;
clone->errno = errno;
if ( workingdir ) { clone->workingdir = String::Clone(workingdir); }
else { clone->workingdir = NULL; }
// Now that the cloned process is fully created, we need to signal to
// its threads that they should insert themselves into the scheduler.
for ( Thread* tmp = clonethreads; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->nextsibling )
return clone;
Thread* Process::ForkThreads(Process* processclone)
Thread* result = NULL;
Thread* tmpclone = NULL;
for ( Thread* tmp = firstthread; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->nextsibling )
Thread* clonethread = tmp->Fork();
if ( clonethread == NULL )
while ( tmpclone != NULL )
Thread* todelete = tmpclone;
tmpclone = tmpclone->prevsibling;
delete todelete;
return NULL;
clonethread->process = processclone;
if ( result == NULL ) { result = clonethread; }
if ( tmpclone != NULL )
tmpclone->nextsibling = clonethread;
clonethread->prevsibling = tmpclone;
tmpclone = clonethread;
return result;
void Process::ResetForExecute()
// TODO: Delete all threads and their stacks.
int Process::Execute(const char* programname, const byte* program,
size_t programsize, int argc, const char* const* argv,
int envc, const char* const* envp,
CPU::InterruptRegisters* regs)
ASSERT(CurrentProcess() == this);
addr_t entry = ELF::Construct(CurrentProcess(), program, programsize);
if ( !entry ) { return -1; }
// TODO: This may be an ugly hack!
// TODO: Move this to x86/process.cpp.
addr_t stackpos = CurrentThread()->stackpos + CurrentThread()->stacksize;
// Alright, move argv onto the new stack! First figure out exactly how
// big argv actually is.
addr_t argvpos = stackpos - sizeof(char*) * (argc+1);
char** stackargv = (char**) argvpos;
size_t argvsize = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
size_t len = String::Length(argv[i]) + 1;
argvsize += len;
char* dest = ((char*) argvpos) - argvsize;
stackargv[i] = dest;
Maxsi::Memory::Copy(dest, argv[i], len);
stackargv[argc] = NULL;
if ( argvsize % 16UL ) { argvsize += 16 - (argvsize % 16UL); }
// And then move envp onto the stack.
addr_t envppos = argvpos - argvsize - sizeof(char*) * (envc+1);
char** stackenvp = (char**) envppos;
size_t envpsize = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < envc; i++ )
size_t len = String::Length(envp[i]) + 1;
envpsize += len;
char* dest = ((char*) envppos) - envpsize;
stackenvp[i] = dest;
Maxsi::Memory::Copy(dest, envp[i], len);
stackenvp[envc] = NULL;
if ( envpsize % 16UL ) { envpsize += 16 - (envpsize % 16UL); }
stackpos = envppos - envpsize;
ExecuteCPU(argc, stackargv, envc, stackenvp, stackpos, entry, regs);
return 0;
class SysExecVEState
char* filename;
DevBuffer* dev;
byte* buffer;
size_t count;
size_t sofar;
int argc;
int envc;
char** argv;
char** envp;
filename = NULL;
dev = NULL;
buffer = NULL;
count = 0;
sofar = 0;
argc = 0;
argv = NULL;
envc = 0;
envp = NULL;
delete[] filename;
if ( dev ) { dev->Unref(); }
delete[] buffer;
for ( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) { delete[] argv[i]; }
delete[] argv;
for ( int i = 0; i < envc; i++ ) { delete[] envp[i]; }
delete[] envp;
int SysExevVEStage2(SysExecVEState* state)
if ( !state->dev->IsReadable() ) { Error::Set(EBADF); delete state; return -1; }
byte* dest = state->buffer + state->sofar;
size_t amount = state->count - state->sofar;
ssize_t bytesread = state->dev->Read(dest, amount);
// Check for premature end-of-file.
if ( bytesread == 0 && amount != 0 )
Error::Set(EIO); delete state; return -1;
// We actually managed to read some data.
if ( 0 <= bytesread )
state->sofar += bytesread;
if ( state->sofar <= state->count )
CPU::InterruptRegisters* regs = Syscall::InterruptRegs();
Process* process = CurrentProcess();
int result = process->Execute(state->filename, state->buffer,
state->count, state->argc,
state->argv, state->envc,
state->envp, regs);
if ( result == 0 ) { Syscall::AsIs(); }
delete state;
return result;
return SysExevVEStage2(state);
if ( Error::Last() != EBLOCKING ) { delete state; return -1; }
// The stream will resume our system call once progress has been
// made. Our request is certainly not forgotten.
// Resume the system call with these parameters.
Thread* thread = CurrentThread();
thread->scfunc = (void*) SysExevVEStage2;
thread->scstate[0] = (size_t) state;
thread->scsize = sizeof(state);
// Now go do something else.
return 0;
DevBuffer* OpenProgramImage(const char* progname, const char* wd, const char* path)
// TODO: Use the PATH enviromental variable.
const char* base = ( *progname == '.' ) ? wd : path;
char* abs = Directory::MakeAbsolute(base, progname);
if ( !abs ) { Error::Set(ENOMEM); return NULL; }
// TODO: Use O_EXEC here!
Device* dev = FileSystem::Open(abs, O_RDONLY, 0);
delete[] abs;
if ( !dev ) { return NULL; }
if ( !dev->IsType(Device::BUFFER) ) { Error::Set(EACCES); dev->Unref(); return NULL; }
return (DevBuffer*) dev;
int SysExecVE(const char* filename, char* const argv[], char* const envp[])
// TODO: Validate that all the pointer-y parameters are SAFE!
// Use a container class to store everything and handle cleaning up.
SysExecVEState* state = new SysExecVEState;
if ( !state ) { return -1; }
// Make a copy of argv and filename as they are going to be destroyed
// when the address space is reset.
state->filename = String::Clone(filename);
if ( !state->filename ) { delete state; return -1; }
int argc; for ( argc = 0; argv && argv[argc]; argc++ );
int envc; for ( envc = 0; envp && envp[envc]; envc++ );
state->argv = new char*[argc+1];
if ( !state->argv ) { delete state; return -1; }
state->argc = argc;
Maxsi::Memory::Set(state->argv, 0, sizeof(char*) * (state->argc+1));
for ( int i = 0; i < state->argc; i++ )
state->argv[i] = String::Clone(argv[i]);
if ( !state->argv[i] ) { delete state; return -1; }
state->envp = new char*[envc+1];
if ( !state->envp ) { delete state; return -1; }
state->envc = envc;
Maxsi::Memory::Set(state->envp, 0, sizeof(char*) * (state->envc+1));
for ( int i = 0; i < state->envc; i++ )
state->envp[i] = String::Clone(envp[i]);
if ( !state->envp[i] ) { delete state; return -1; }
Process* process = CurrentProcess();
state->dev = OpenProgramImage(state->filename, process->workingdir, "/bin");
if ( !state->dev ) { delete state; return -1; }
state->dev->Refer(); // TODO: Rules of GC may change soon.
uintmax_t needed = state->dev->Size();
if ( SIZE_MAX < needed ) { Error::Set(ENOMEM); delete state; return -1; }
state->count = needed;
state->buffer = new byte[state->count];
if ( !state->buffer ) { delete state; return -1; }
return SysExevVEStage2(state);
pid_t SysSForkR(int flags, sforkregs_t* regs)
// TODO: Properly support sforkr(2).
if ( flags != SFFORK ) { Error::Set(ENOSYS); return -1; }
CPU::InterruptRegisters cpuregs;
Maxsi::Memory::Set(&cpuregs, 0, sizeof(cpuregs));
#if defined(PLATFORM_X64) = regs->rip;
cpuregs.userrsp = regs->rsp;
cpuregs.rax = regs->rax;
cpuregs.rbx = regs->rbx;
cpuregs.rcx = regs->rcx;
cpuregs.rdx = regs->rdx;
cpuregs.rdi = regs->rdi;
cpuregs.rsi = regs->rsi;
cpuregs.rbp = regs->rbp;
cpuregs.r8 = regs->r8;
cpuregs.r9 = regs->r9;
cpuregs.r10 = regs->r10;
cpuregs.r11 = regs->r11;
cpuregs.r12 = regs->r12;
cpuregs.r13 = regs->r13;
cpuregs.r14 = regs->r14;
cpuregs.r15 = regs->r15;
cpuregs.cs = 0x18 | 0x3;
cpuregs.ds = 0x20 | 0x3; = 0x20 | 0x3;
cpuregs.rflags = (1<<1) | (1<<9) | (1<<21);
#elif defined(PLATFORM_X86)
cpuregs.eip = regs->eip;
cpuregs.useresp = regs->esp;
cpuregs.eax = regs->eax;
cpuregs.ebx = regs->ebx;
cpuregs.ecx = regs->ecx;
cpuregs.edx = regs->edx;
cpuregs.edi = regs->edi;
cpuregs.esi = regs->esi;
cpuregs.ebp = regs->ebp;
cpuregs.cs = 0x18 | 0x3;
cpuregs.ds = 0x20 | 0x3; = 0x20 | 0x3;
cpuregs.eflags = (1<<1) | (1<<9) | (1<<21);
#error SysSForkR needs to know about your platform
Process* clone = CurrentProcess()->Fork();
if ( !clone ) { return -1; }
return clone->pid;
pid_t SysGetPID()
return CurrentProcess()->pid;
pid_t SysGetParentPID()
Process* parent = CurrentProcess()->parent;
if ( !parent ) { return -1; }
return parent->pid;
pid_t nextpidtoallocate;
pid_t Process::AllocatePID()
return nextpidtoallocate++;
int ProcessCompare(Process* a, Process* b)
if ( a->pid < b->pid ) { return -1; }
if ( a->pid > b->pid ) { return 1; }
return 0;
int ProcessPIDCompare(Process* a, pid_t pid)
if ( a->pid < pid ) { return -1; }
if ( a->pid > pid ) { return 1; }
return 0;
SortedList<Process*>* pidlist;
Process* Process::Get(pid_t pid)
size_t index = pidlist->Search(ProcessPIDCompare, pid);
if ( index == SIZE_MAX ) { return NULL; }
return pidlist->Get(index);
bool Process::Put(Process* process)
return pidlist->Add(process);
void Process::Remove(Process* process)
size_t index = pidlist->Search(process);
ASSERT(index != SIZE_MAX);
void Process::OnChildProcessExit(Process* process)
ASSERT(process->parent == this);
for ( Thread* thread = firstthread; thread; thread = thread->nextsibling )
if ( thread->onchildprocessexit )
thread->onchildprocessexit(thread, process);
void Process::Exit(int status)
// Status codes can only contain 8 bits according to ISO C and POSIX.
status %= 256;
ASSERT(this == CurrentProcess());
Process* init = Scheduler::GetInitProcess();
if ( pid == 0 ) { Panic("System idle process exited"); }
// If the init process terminated successfully, time to halt.
if ( this == init )
switch ( status )
case 0: CPU::ShutDown();
case 1: CPU::Reboot();
default: PanicF("The init process exited abnormally with status code %u\n", status);
// Take care of the orphans, so give them to init.
while ( firstchild )
Process* orphan = firstchild;
firstchild = orphan->nextsibling;
if ( firstchild ) { firstchild->prevsibling = NULL; }
orphan->parent = init;
orphan->prevsibling = NULL;
orphan->nextsibling = init->firstchild;
if ( orphan->nextsibling ) { orphan->nextsibling->prevsibling = orphan; }
init->firstchild = orphan;
// Remove the current process from the family tree.
if ( !prevsibling )
parent->firstchild = nextsibling;
prevsibling->nextsibling = nextsibling;
if ( nextsibling )
nextsibling->prevsibling = prevsibling;
// Close all the file descriptors.
// Make all threads belonging to process unrunnable.
for ( Thread* t = firstthread; t; t = t->nextsibling )
Scheduler::SetThreadState(t, Thread::State::NONE);
// Delete the threads.
while ( firstthread )
Thread* todelete = firstthread;
firstthread = firstthread->nextsibling;
delete todelete;
// Now clean up the address space.
// TODO: Actually delete the address space. This is a small memory leak
// of a couple pages.
exitstatus = status;
nextsibling = parent->zombiechild;
if ( parent->zombiechild ) { parent->zombiechild->prevsibling = this; }
parent->zombiechild = this;
// Notify the parent process that the child has become a zombie.
// Now, as a final operation, get rid of the address space. This should
// return us to the original kernel address space containing nothing
// but the kernel.
void SysExit(int status)
// And so, the process had vanished from existence. But as fate would
// have it, soon a replacement took its place.
struct SysWait_t
union { size_t align1; pid_t pid; };
union { size_t align2; int* status; };
union { size_t align3; int options; };
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(SysWait_t) <= sizeof(Thread::scstate));
void SysWaitCallback(Thread* thread, Process* exitee)
// See if this process matches what we are looking for.
SysWait_t* state = (SysWait_t*) thread->scstate;
if ( state->pid != -1 && state->pid != exitee->pid ) { return; }
thread->onchildprocessexit = NULL;
pid_t SysWait(pid_t pid, int* status, int options)
Thread* thread = CurrentThread();
Process* process = thread->process;
if ( pid != -1 )
Process* waitingfor = Process::Get(pid);
if ( !waitingfor ) { Error::Set(ECHILD); return -1; }
if ( waitingfor->parent != process ) { Error::Set(ECHILD); return -1; }
// Find any zombie children matching the search description.
for ( Process* zombie = process->zombiechild; zombie; zombie = zombie->nextsibling )
if ( pid != -1 && pid != zombie->pid ) { continue; }
pid = zombie->pid;
// TODO: Validate that status is a valid user-space int!
if ( status ) { *status = zombie->exitstatus; }
if ( zombie == process->zombiechild )
process->zombiechild = zombie->nextsibling;
if ( zombie->nextsibling ) { zombie->nextsibling->prevsibling = NULL; }
zombie->prevsibling->nextsibling = zombie->nextsibling;
if ( zombie->nextsibling ) { zombie->nextsibling->prevsibling = zombie->prevsibling; }
// And so, the process was fully deleted.
delete zombie;
return pid;
// The process needs to have children, otherwise we are waiting for
// nothing to happen.
if ( !process->firstchild ) { Error::Set(ECHILD); return -1; }
// Resumes this system call when the wait condition has been met.
thread->onchildprocessexit = SysWaitCallback;
// Resume the system call with these parameters.
thread->scfunc = (void*) SysWait;
SysWait_t* state = (SysWait_t*) thread->scstate;
state->pid = pid;
state->status = status;
state->options = options;
thread->scsize = sizeof(SysWait_t);
// Now go do something else.
return 0;
int SysRegisterErrno(int* errnop)
CurrentProcess()->errno = errnop;
return 0;
void* SysSbrk(intptr_t increment)
Process* process = CurrentProcess();
ProcessSegment* dataseg = NULL;
for ( ProcessSegment* iter = process->segments; iter; iter = iter->next )
if ( !iter->type == SEG_DATA ) { continue; }
if ( dataseg && iter->position < dataseg->position ) { continue; }
dataseg = iter;
if ( !dataseg ) { Error::Set(ENOMEM); return (void*) -1UL; }
addr_t currentend = dataseg->position + dataseg->size;
addr_t newend = currentend + increment;
if ( newend < dataseg->position ) { Error::Set(EINVAL); return (void*) -1UL; }
if ( newend < currentend )
addr_t unmapfrom = Page::AlignUp(newend);
if ( unmapfrom < currentend )
size_t unmapbytes = Page::AlignUp(currentend - unmapfrom);
Memory::UnmapRangeUser(unmapfrom, unmapbytes);
else if ( currentend < newend )
// TODO: HACK: Make a safer way of expanding the data segment
// without segments possibly colliding!
addr_t mapfrom = Page::AlignUp(currentend);
if ( mapfrom < newend )
size_t mapbytes = Page::AlignUp(newend - mapfrom);
if ( !Memory::MapRangeUser(mapfrom, mapbytes) )
return (void*) -1UL;
dataseg->size += increment;
return (void*) newend;
size_t SysGetPageSize()
// TODO: Query the virtual memory layer or look up in the process class.
return 0x1000UL;
void Process::Init()
Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_EXEC, (void*) SysExecVE);
Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_SFORKR, (void*) SysSForkR);
Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_GETPID, (void*) SysGetPID);
Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_GETPPID, (void*) SysGetParentPID);
Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_EXIT, (void*) SysExit);
Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_WAIT, (void*) SysWait);
Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_REGISTER_ERRNO, (void*) SysRegisterErrno);
Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_SBRK, (void*) SysSbrk);
Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_GET_PAGE_SIZE, (void*) SysGetPageSize);
nextpidtoallocate = 0;
pidlist = new SortedList<Process*>(ProcessCompare);
if ( !pidlist ) { Panic("could not allocate pidlist\n"); }
addr_t Process::AllocVirtualAddr(size_t size)
return (mmapfrom -= size);