/******************************************************************************* Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2011, 2012, 2013. This file is part of the Sortix C Library. The Sortix C Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Sortix C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Sortix C Library. If not, see . strerror.cpp Convert error code to a string. *******************************************************************************/ #define __SORTIX_STDLIB_REDIRECTS 0 #include #include extern "C" const char* sortix_strerror(int errnum) { switch ( errnum ) { case ENOTBLK: return "Block device required"; case ENODEV: return "No such device"; case EWOULDBLOCK: return "Operation would block"; case EBADF: return "Bad file descriptor"; case EOVERFLOW: return "Value too large to be stored in data type"; case ENOENT: return "No such file or directory"; case ENOSPC: return "No space left on device"; case EEXIST: return "File exists"; case EROFS: return "Read-only file system"; case EINVAL: return "Invalid argument"; case ENOTDIR: return "Not a directory"; case ENOMEM: return "Not enough memory"; case ERANGE: return "Result too large"; case EISDIR: return "Is a directory"; case EPERM: return "Operation not permitted"; case EIO: return "Input/output error"; case ENOEXEC: return "Exec format error"; case EACCES: return "Permission denied"; case ESRCH: return "No such process"; case ENOTTY: return "Not a tty"; case ECHILD: return "No child processes"; case ENOSYS: return "Function not implemented"; case ENOTSUP: return "Operation not supported"; case EBLOCKING: return "Operation is blocking"; case EINTR: return "Interrupted function call"; case ENOTEMPTY: return "Directory not empty"; case EBUSY: return "Device or resource busy"; case EPIPE: return "Broken pipe"; case EILSEQ: return "Illegal byte sequence"; case ELAKE: return "Sit by a lake"; case EMFILE: return "Too many open files"; case EAGAIN: return "Resource temporarily unavailable"; case EEOF: return "End of file"; case EBOUND: return "Out of bounds"; case EINIT: return "Not initialized"; case ENODRV: return "No such driver"; case E2BIG: return "Argument list too long"; case EFBIG: return "File too large"; case EXDEV: return "Improper link"; case ESPIPE: return "Cannot seek on stream"; case ENAMETOOLONG: return "Filename too long"; case ELOOP: return "Too many levels of symbolic links"; case EMLINK: return "Too many links"; case ENXIO: return "No such device or address"; case EPROTONOSUPPORT: return "Protocol not supported"; case EAFNOSUPPORT: return "Address family not supported"; default: return "Unknown error condition"; } } extern "C" char* strerror(int errnum) { return (char*) sortix_strerror(errnum); }