/****************************************************************************** COPYRIGHT(C) JONAS 'SORTIE' TERMANSEN 2011. This file is part of LibMaxsi. LibMaxsi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LibMaxsi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with LibMaxsi. If not, see . file.c FILE* in libmaxsi is an interface to various implementations of the FILE* API. This allows stuff like fmemopen, but also allows the application programmers to provide their own backends. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include FILE* firstfile = NULL; void fregister(FILE* fp) { fp->flags |= _FILE_REGISTERED; if ( !firstfile ) { firstfile = fp; return; } fp->next = firstfile; firstfile->prev = fp; firstfile = fp; } void funregister(FILE* fp) { if ( !(fp->flags & _FILE_REGISTERED) ) { return; } if ( !fp->prev ) { firstfile = fp->next; } if ( fp->prev ) { fp->prev->next = fp->next; } if ( fp->next ) { fp->next->prev = fp->prev; } fp->flags &= ~_FILE_REGISTERED; } size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* fp) { if ( !fp->read_func ) { errno = EBADF; return 0; } return fp->read_func(ptr, size, nmemb, fp->user); } size_t fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* fp) { if ( !fp->write_func ) { errno = EBADF; return 0; } char* str = (char*) ptr; size_t total = size * nmemb; size_t sofar = 0; while ( sofar < total ) { size_t left = total - sofar; if ( (!fp->bufferused && fp->buffersize <= left) || (fp->flags & _FILE_NO_BUFFER) ) { return sofar + fp->write_func(str + sofar, 1, left, fp->user); } size_t available = fp->buffersize - fp->bufferused; size_t count = ( left < available ) ? left : available; count = left; for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { char c = str[sofar++]; fp->buffer[fp->bufferused++] = c; if ( c == '\n' ) { if ( fflush(fp) ) { return sofar; } break; } } if ( fp->buffersize <= fp->bufferused ) { if ( fflush(fp) ) { return sofar; } } } return sofar; } int fseeko(FILE* fp, off_t offset, int whence) { return (fp->seek_func) ? fp->seek_func(fp->user, offset, whence) : 0; } int fseek(FILE* fp, long offset, int whence) { return fseeko(fp, offset, whence); } void clearerr(FILE* fp) { if ( fp->clearerr_func ) { fp->clearerr_func(fp->user); } } int ferror(FILE* fp) { if ( !fp->error_func ) { return 0; } return fp->error_func(fp->user); } int feof(FILE* fp) { if ( !fp->eof_func ) { return 0; } return fp->eof_func(fp->user); } void rewind(FILE* fp) { fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); clearerr(fp); } off_t ftello(FILE* fp) { if ( !fp->tell_func ) { errno = EBADF; return -1; } return fp->tell_func(fp->user); } long ftell(FILE* fp) { return (long) ftello(fp); } int fflush(FILE* fp) { if ( !fp ) { int result = 0; for ( fp = firstfile; fp; fp = fp->next ) { result |= fflush(fp); } return result; } if ( !fp->write_func ) { errno = EBADF; return EOF; } if ( !fp->bufferused ) { return 0; } size_t written = fp->write_func(fp->buffer, 1, fp->bufferused, fp->user); if ( written < fp->bufferused ) { return EOF; } fp->bufferused = 0; return 0; } int fclose(FILE* fp) { int result = fflush(fp); result |= (fp->close_func) ? fp->close_func(fp->user) : 0; funregister(fp); if ( fp->free_func ) { fp->free_func(fp); } return result; } int fileno(FILE* fp) { int result = (fp->fileno_func) ? fp->fileno_func(fp->user) : -1; if ( result < 0 ) { errno = EBADF; } return result; } static void ffreefile(FILE* fp) { free(fp->buffer); free(fp); } FILE* fnewfile(void) { FILE* fp = (FILE*) calloc(sizeof(FILE), 1); if ( !fp ) { return NULL; } fp->buffersize = BUFSIZ; fp->buffer = (char*) malloc(fp->buffersize); if ( !fp->buffer ) { free(fp); return NULL; } fp->flags = 0; fp->free_func = ffreefile; fregister(fp); return fp; } int fcloseall(void) { int result = 0; while ( firstfile ) { result |= fclose(firstfile); } return (result) ? EOF : 0; } int fgetc(FILE* fp) { char c; if ( fread(&c, 1, sizeof(char), fp) < sizeof(char) ) { return EOF; } return c; } int fputc(int c, FILE* fp) { if ( fwrite(&c, 1, sizeof(char), fp) < sizeof(char) ) { return EOF; } return c; } int getc(FILE* fp) { return fgetc(fp); } int putc(int c, FILE* fp) { return fputc(c, fp); } int fputs(const char* str, FILE* fp) { size_t stringlen = strlen(str); int result = fwrite(str, 1, stringlen, fp); if ( result < stringlen ) { return EOF; } return result; } char* fgets(char* dest, int size, FILE* fp) { if ( size <= 0 ) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } int i; for ( i = 0; i < size-1; i++ ) { int c = getc(fp); if ( c == EOF ) { if ( ferror(fp) ) { return NULL; } else { i++; break; } /* EOF */ } dest[i] = c; if ( c == '\n' ) { i++; break; } } dest[i] = '\0'; return dest; }