/******************************************************************************* Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2013. This file is part of Sortix. Sortix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Sortix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sortix. If not, see . user-timer.cpp Timers that send signals when triggered. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "process.h" // TODO: Memset all user timers in process constructor. namespace Sortix { // TODO: We also need to fetch the pthread attr if there is one. static bool FetchSigevent(struct sigevent* dst, const struct sigevent* src) { if ( src ) return CopyFromUser(dst, src, sizeof(struct sigevent)); dst->sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; dst->sigev_signo = SIGALRM; // TODO: "and the sigev_value member having the value of the timer ID." // - Does POSIX want the caller to be psychic and should we write back the // final default sigevent? return true; } static UserTimer* LookupUserTimer(Process* process, timer_t timerid) { if ( PROCESS_TIMER_NUM_MAX <= timerid ) return errno = EINVAL, (UserTimer*) NULL; UserTimer* user_timer = &process->user_timers[timerid]; if ( !user_timer->timer.IsAttached() ) return errno = EINVAL, (UserTimer*) NULL; return user_timer; } static Timer* LookupTimer(Process* process, timer_t timerid) { UserTimer* user_timer = LookupUserTimer(process, timerid); return user_timer ? &user_timer->timer : (Timer*) NULL; } static int sys_timer_create(clockid_t clockid, struct sigevent* sigevp, timer_t* timerid_ptr) { Process* process = CurrentProcess(); ScopedLock lock(&process->user_timers_lock); Clock* clock = Time::GetClock(clockid); if ( !clock ) return -1; struct sigevent sigev; if ( !FetchSigevent(&sigev, sigevp) ) return -1; // Allocate a timer for this request. timer_t timerid; for ( timerid = 0; timerid < PROCESS_TIMER_NUM_MAX; timerid++ ) { Timer* timer = &process->user_timers[timerid].timer; if ( timer->IsAttached() ) continue; timer->Attach(clock); break; } if ( PROCESS_TIMER_NUM_MAX <= timerid ) return -1; if ( !CopyToUser(timerid_ptr, &timerid, sizeof(timerid)) ) { process->user_timers[timerid].timer.Detach(); return -1; } process->user_timers[timerid].process = process; process->user_timers[timerid].event = sigev; process->user_timers[timerid].timerid = timerid; return 0; } static int sys_timer_delete(timer_t timerid) { Process* process = CurrentProcess(); ScopedLock lock(&process->user_timers_lock); Timer* timer = LookupTimer(process, timerid); if ( !timer ) return -1; timer->Cancel(); timer->Detach(); return 0; } static int sys_timer_getoverrun(timer_t timerid) { Process* process = CurrentProcess(); ScopedLock lock(&process->user_timers_lock); Timer* timer = LookupTimer(process, timerid); if ( !timer ) return -1; // TODO: This is not fully kept track of yet. return 0; } static int sys_timer_gettime(timer_t timerid, struct itimerspec* user_value) { Process* process = CurrentProcess(); ScopedLock lock(&process->user_timers_lock); Timer* timer = LookupTimer(process, timerid); if ( !timer ) return -1; struct itimerspec value; timer->Get(&value); return CopyToUser(user_value, &value, sizeof(value)) ? 0 : -1; } static void timer_callback(Clock* /*clock*/, Timer* timer, void* user) { UserTimer* user_timer = (UserTimer*) user; Process* process = user_timer->process; ScopedLock lock(&process->user_timers_lock); size_t current_overrun = timer->num_overrun_events; // TODO: This delivery facility is insufficient! sigevent is much more // powerful than sending a simple old-school signal. // TODO: If the last signal from last time is still being processed, we need // to handle the sum of overrun. I'm not sure how to handle overrun // properly, so we'll just pretend to user-space it never happens when // it does and we do some of the bookkeeping. (void) current_overrun; process->DeliverSignal(user_timer->event.sigev_signo); } static int sys_timer_settime(timer_t timerid, int flags, const struct itimerspec* user_value, struct itimerspec* user_ovalue) { Process* process = CurrentProcess(); ScopedLock lock(&process->user_timers_lock); UserTimer* user_timer = LookupUserTimer(process, timerid); if ( !user_timer ) return -1; Timer* timer = &user_timer->timer; struct itimerspec value, ovalue; if ( !CopyFromUser(&value, user_value, sizeof(value)) ) return -1; if ( timespec_lt(value.it_value, timespec_nul()) || timespec_lt(value.it_interval, timespec_nul()) || (flags & ~(TIMER_ABSTIME)) != 0 ) return errno = EINVAL, -1; int timer_flags = 0; if ( flags & TIMER_ABSTIME ) timer_flags |= TIMER_ABSOLUTE; timer->Set(&value, &ovalue, timer_flags, timer_callback, user_timer); // Let the caller know how much time was left on the timer. if ( user_ovalue && !CopyToUser(user_ovalue, &ovalue, sizeof(ovalue)) ) return -1; return 0; } static int sys_clock_gettimeres(clockid_t clockid, struct timespec* time, struct timespec* res) { Clock* clock = Time::GetClock(clockid); if ( !clock ) return -1; struct timespec ktime, kres; clock->Get(&ktime, &kres); return (!time || CopyToUser(time, &ktime, sizeof(ktime))) && (!res || CopyToUser(res, &kres, sizeof(kres))) ? 0 : -1; } static int sys_clock_settimeres(clockid_t clockid, const struct timespec* time, const struct timespec* res) { Clock* clock = Time::GetClock(clockid); if ( !clock ) return -1; struct timespec ktime, kres; if ( (time && !CopyFromUser(&ktime, time, sizeof(ktime))) || (res && !CopyFromUser(&kres, res, sizeof(kres))) ) return -1; clock->Set(time ? &ktime : NULL, res ? &kres : NULL); return 0; } // TODO: Made obsolete by cloc_gettimeres. static int sys_uptime(uintmax_t* usecssinceboot) { struct timespec now; Clock* clock = Time::GetClock(CLOCK_BOOT); clock->Get(&now, NULL); uintmax_t seconds = now.tv_sec; uintmax_t nano_seconds = now.tv_nsec; uintmax_t ret = seconds * 1000000 + nano_seconds / 1000; return CopyToUser(usecssinceboot, &ret, sizeof(ret)) ? 0 : -1; } void UserTimer::Init() { Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_CLOCK_GETTIMERES, (void*) sys_clock_gettimeres); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_CLOCK_SETTIMERES, (void*) sys_clock_settimeres); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_TIMER_CREATE, (void*) sys_timer_create); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_TIMER_DELETE, (void*) sys_timer_delete); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_TIMER_GETOVERRUN, (void*) sys_timer_getoverrun); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_TIMER_GETTIME, (void*) sys_timer_gettime); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_TIMER_SETTIME, (void*) sys_timer_settime); Syscall::Register(SYSCALL_UPTIME, (void*) sys_uptime); } } // namespace Sortix