/******************************************************************************* Copyright(C) Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen 2013, 2014. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . display.c++ Display handling. *******************************************************************************/ #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #include #include #include #include "display.h++" #include "editor.h++" #include "multibyte.h++" #include "terminal.h++" size_t editor_display_column_of_line_offset(struct editor* editor, const struct line* line, size_t offset) { if ( line->used < offset ) offset = line->used; return displayed_string_length(line->data, offset, editor->tabsize); } size_t editor_line_offset_of_display_column(struct editor* editor, const struct line* line, size_t column) { size_t current_column = 0; for ( size_t offset = 0; offset < line->used; offset++ ) { if ( column <= current_column ) return offset; wchar_t wc = line->data[offset]; if ( wc == L'\t' ) { size_t old_column = current_column; do current_column++; while ( current_column % editor->tabsize != 0 ); if ( column <= current_column ) { size_t dist_to_old = column - old_column; size_t dist_to_cur = current_column - column; if ( dist_to_old < dist_to_cur ) return offset; return offset + 1; } continue; } current_column++; } return line->used; } size_t displayed_string_length(const wchar_t* str, size_t len, size_t tabsize) { size_t ret_len = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; i++ ) if ( str[i] == L'\t' ) do ret_len++; while ( ret_len % tabsize ); else ret_len++; return ret_len; } struct display_char* expand_tabs(const wchar_t* str, size_t len, uint8_t* colors, size_t colors_len, size_t* ret_len_ptr, size_t tabsize) { size_t ret_len = displayed_string_length(str, len, tabsize); struct display_char* ret = new struct display_char[ret_len+1]; for ( size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++ ) { uint8_t color = i < colors_len ? colors[i] : 7; if ( str[i] == L'\t' ) do ret[j++] = { L' ', color}; while ( j % tabsize ); else ret[j++] = { str[i], color }; } ret[ret_len] = { L'\0', 0 }; if ( ret_len_ptr ) *ret_len_ptr = ret_len; return ret; } void render_editor(struct editor* editor, struct terminal_state* state) { if ( state->height < 1 ) return; // Create the header title bar. for ( int x = 0; x < state->width; x++ ) state->data[0 * state->width + x] = make_terminal_datum(L' ', 0x70); // Render the name of the program. const wchar_t* header_start = editor->dirty ? L" editor *" : L" editor "; size_t header_start_len = wcslen(header_start); for ( size_t i = 0; i < header_start_len; i++ ) if ( i < (size_t) state->width) state->data[i].character = header_start[i]; // Render the name of the currently open file. const char* file_name = editor->current_file_name; if ( !file_name ) file_name = "New File"; wchar_t* wcs_file_name = convert_mbs_to_wcs(file_name); size_t wcs_file_name_len = wcslen(wcs_file_name); for ( size_t i = 0; i < wcs_file_name_len; i++ ) if ( header_start_len+i < (size_t) state->width) state->data[header_start_len+i].character = wcs_file_name[i]; free(wcs_file_name); // Calculate the dimensions of the viewport. size_t viewport_top = 1; editor->viewport_width = (size_t) state->width; editor->viewport_height = (size_t) state->height - viewport_top; if ( !editor->viewport_height ) return; // Decide which page of the file to render and the cursor position on it. struct line* current_line = &editor->lines[editor->cursor_row]; size_t cursor_x = displayed_string_length(current_line->data, editor->cursor_column, editor->tabsize); size_t cursor_y = editor->cursor_row; struct line* select_line = &editor->lines[editor->select_row]; size_t select_x = displayed_string_length(select_line->data, editor->select_column, editor->tabsize); size_t select_y = editor->select_row; size_t page_x_offset = editor->page_x_offset; size_t page_y_offset = editor->page_y_offset; bool has_selection = !(editor->cursor_row == editor->select_row && editor->cursor_column == editor->select_column); size_t viewport_select_x = select_x - page_x_offset; size_t viewport_select_y = select_y - page_y_offset; // Render this page of text. for ( size_t y = 0; y < editor->viewport_height; y++ ) { size_t line_index = page_y_offset + y; struct terminal_datum* data_line = state->data + (viewport_top + y) * state->width; struct line* line = line_index < editor->lines_used ? &editor->lines[line_index] : NULL; struct color_line* color_line = line_index < editor->color_lines_used ? &editor->color_lines[line_index] : NULL; size_t expanded_len; struct display_char* expanded = expand_tabs(line ? line->data : L"", line ? line->used : 0, color_line ? color_line->data : NULL, color_line ? color_line->length : 0, &expanded_len, editor->tabsize); const struct display_char* chars = expanded; size_t chars_length = expanded_len; if ( chars_length < page_x_offset ) chars = NULL, chars_length = 0; else chars += page_x_offset, chars_length -= page_x_offset; for ( size_t x = 0; x < editor->viewport_width; x++ ) { size_t column_index = page_x_offset + x; bool selected = (is_row_column_lt(cursor_y, cursor_x, select_y, select_x) && is_row_column_le(cursor_y, cursor_x, line_index, column_index) && is_row_column_lt(line_index, column_index, select_y, select_x)) || (is_row_column_lt(select_y, select_x, cursor_y, cursor_x) && is_row_column_le(select_y, select_x, line_index, column_index) && is_row_column_lt(line_index, column_index, cursor_y, cursor_x)); bool at_margin = column_index == editor->margin; bool is_blank = chars_length <= x; wchar_t c = is_blank ? L' ' : chars[x].character; uint8_t color = (is_blank ? 7 : chars[x].color); data_line[x] = selected && is_blank && at_margin ? make_terminal_datum(L'|', 0x41) : selected ? make_terminal_datum(c, 0x47) : is_blank && at_margin ? make_terminal_datum(L'|', 0x01) : make_terminal_datum(c, color); } delete[] expanded; } // Set the rest of the terminal state. state->cursor_x = has_selection ? editor->viewport_width : viewport_select_x; state->cursor_y = has_selection ? editor->viewport_height : viewport_select_y + viewport_top; state->color = 0x07; if ( editor->mode == MODE_EDIT ) return; const char* msg = ""; if ( editor->mode == MODE_SAVE ) msg = "File Name to Write: "; if ( editor->mode == MODE_LOAD ) msg = "File Name to Read: ";; if ( editor->mode == MODE_ASK_QUIT ) msg = "Exit without saving changes? (Y/N): "; if ( editor->mode == MODE_GOTO_LINE ) msg = "Go to line: "; if ( editor->mode == MODE_COMMAND ) msg = "Enter miscellaneous command: "; struct terminal_datum* data_line = state->data + (state->height - 1) * state->width; wchar_t* wcs_msg = convert_mbs_to_wcs(msg); size_t wcs_msg_len = wcslen(wcs_msg); for ( size_t i = 0; i < wcs_msg_len; i++ ) if ( i < (size_t) state->width) data_line[i] = make_terminal_datum(wcs_msg[i], 0x70); free(wcs_msg); if ( (size_t) state->width <= wcs_msg_len ) return; size_t modal_viewport_width = state->width - wcs_msg_len; size_t modal_viewport_cursor = editor->modal_cursor % modal_viewport_width; size_t modal_viewport_page = editor->modal_cursor / modal_viewport_width; size_t modal_viewport_offset = modal_viewport_page * modal_viewport_width; struct terminal_datum* modal_viewport_data = data_line + wcs_msg_len; const wchar_t* modal_chars = editor->modal; size_t modal_chars_length = editor->modal_used; if ( modal_chars_length < modal_viewport_offset ) modal_chars = NULL, modal_chars_length = 0; else modal_chars += modal_viewport_offset, modal_chars_length -= modal_viewport_offset; for ( size_t x = 0; x < modal_viewport_width; x++ ) { wchar_t c = x < modal_chars_length ? modal_chars[x] : L' '; uint16_t color = editor->modal_error ? 0x17 : 0x70; uint16_t tab_color = editor->modal_error ? 0x12 : 0x71; if ( c == L'\t' ) modal_viewport_data[x] = make_terminal_datum(L'>', tab_color); else modal_viewport_data[x] = make_terminal_datum(c, color); } state->cursor_x = wcs_msg_len + modal_viewport_cursor; state->cursor_y = state->height - 1; state->color = 0x70; }