
173 lines
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import threading
import constants
import botcmd
class API:
def __init__(self, serverthread_object):
# We need to access the internal functions of the ServerThread object in order to send lines etc.
self.serverthread_object = serverthread_object
def send_raw(self, line):
def msg(self, recipient, message):
"""Make sending PRIVMSGs much nicer"""
line = b'PRIVMSG ' + recipient + b' :' + message
def nick(self, nick):
# Send a NICK command and update the internal nick tracking state
with self.serverthread_object.nick_lock:
line = b'NICK ' + nick
self.serverthread_object.nick = nick
def join(self, channel):
# Send a JOIN command and update the internal channel tracking state
with self.serverthread_object.channels_lock:
line = b'JOIN ' + channel
def error(self, message):
self.serverthread_object.logging_channel.send((constants.logmessage_types.internal, constants.internal_submessage_types.error, message))
class LineParsingError(Exception): None
# parse_line(line) → prefix, command, arguments
# Split the line into its component parts
def parse_line(line):
def read_byte():
# Read one byte and advance the index
nonlocal line, index
if eol():
raise LineParsingError
byte = line[index]
index += 1
return byte
def peek_byte():
# Look at current byte, don't advance index
nonlocal line, index
if eol():
raise LineParsingError
return line[index]
def eol():
# Test if we've reached the end of the line
nonlocal line, index
return index >= len(line)
def skip_space():
# Skip until we run into a non-space character or eol.
while not eol() and peek_byte() == ord(' '):
def read_until_space():
nonlocal line, index
if eol():
raise LineParsingError
# Try to find a space
until = line[index:].find(b' ')
if until == -1:
# Space not found, read until end of line
until = len(line)
# Space found, add current index to it to get right index
until += index
# Slice line upto the point of next space / end and update index
data = line[index:until]
index = until
return data
def read_until_end():
nonlocal line, index
if eol():
raise LineParsingError
# Read all of the data, and make index point to eol
data = line[index:]
index = len(line)
return data
index = 0
prefix = None
command = None
arguments = []
if peek_byte() == ord(':'):
prefix = read_until_space()
command = read_until_space()
while not eol():
if peek_byte() == ord(':'):
argument = read_until_end()
argument = read_until_space()
return prefix, command, arguments
class LineHandlerThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, line, *, irc):
self.line = line
self.irc = irc
def run(self):
prefix, command, arguments = parse_line(self.line)
except LineParsingError:
irc.error("Cannot parse line" + self.line.decode(encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'replace'))
if command.upper() == b'PRIVMSG':
# PRIVMSG should have two parameters: recipient and the message
assert len(arguments) == 2
recipients, message = arguments
# Prefix contains the nick of the sender, delimited from user and host by '!'
nick = prefix.split(b'!')[0]
# Recipients are in a comma-separate list
for recipient in recipients.split(b','):
# 'channel' is bit of a misnomer. This is where we'll send the response to
# Usually it's the channel, but in queries it's not
channel = recipient if recipient[0] == ord('#') else nick
# Delegate rest to botcmd.handle_message
botcmd.handle_message(prefix = prefix, message = message, nick = nick, channel = channel, irc = self.irc)
# Delegate to botcmd.handle_nonmessage
botcmd.handle_nonmessage(prefix = prefix, command = command, arguments = arguments, irc = self.irc)
def handle_line(line, *, irc):
# Spawn a thread to handle the line
LineHandlerThread(line, irc = irc).start()