2018-08-14 12:31:01 +03:00

872 lines
27 KiB

import cgi
import configparser
import enum
import ipaddress
import os
import pathlib
import select
import socket
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import urllib.parse
class default_config: None
default_config.blacklist_file = pathlib.Path(os.environ['HOME']) / 'gopher_blacklist'
default_config.charset = 'utf-8'
default_config.fallback_mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'
default_config.gopher_root = pathlib.Path(os.environ['HOME']) / 'gopher'
default_config.max_threads = 8192
default_config.port = 7070
default_config.recognised_itemtypes = ['0', '1', '5', '9', 'g', 'h', 'I', 's']
default_config.request_max_size = 8192
default_config.socket_timeout = 20
default_config.no_itemtype_whitelist = {'robots.txt', 'favicon.ico'}
default_config.hurl_redirect_page = """<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2; url=__raw_url__"/>
<title>Redirecting to __escaped_url__</title>
<style>body { max-width: 70ch; margin: auto; }</style>
<p>Your gopher client doesn't support the hURL specification. If you are not redirected after 2s, click the link.</p>
<p>Redirecting to <a href="__raw_url__">__escaped_url__</a></p>
# error(message)
# Print error message to stderr
def error(message):
program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
print('%s: %s Error: %s' % (program_name, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), message), file = sys.stderr)
# die(message, status = 1) → (Never returns)
# Print error message to stderr and exit with status code
def die(message, status = 1):
# log(message)
# Print a log message to stdout
def log(message):
program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
print('%s: %s %s' % (program_name, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), message))
# A base for Exeptions that are used with one argument and that return a string that incorporates said argument
class OneArgumentException(Exception):
def __init__(self, argument):
self.argument = argument
def __str__(self):
return self.text % self.argument
class UnreachableException(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return 'Declared unreachable'
# unreachable() → (Never returns)
# Used to mark a codepath that should never execute
def unreachable():
raise UnreachableException
# bind(port, backlog = 1) → [sockets...]
# Binds to all available (TCP) interfaces on specified port and returns the sockets
# backlog controls how many connections allowed to wait handling before system drops new ones
def bind(port, backlog = 1):
# Based on code in
sockets = []
for res in socket.getaddrinfo(None, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE):
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
s = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
except OSError:
# Make IPv6 socket only bind on IPv6 address, otherwise may clash with IPv4 and not get enabled
if af == socket.AF_INET6:
s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1)
except OSError:
# Set SO_REUSEADDR for less painful server restarting
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
except OSError:
return sockets
# drop_privileges()
# Drops set[ug]id, die()s if unsuccesful
def drop_privileges():
uid = os.getuid()
gid = os.getgid()
os.setresgid(gid, gid, gid)
os.setresuid(uid, uid, uid)
die('Unable to drop privileges')
class CommandError(OneArgumentException):
text = 'Error with command: %s'
class SocketReadError(OneArgumentException):
text = 'Error reading socket: %s'
class ReaderCommands(enum.Enum):
stop = range(1)
# SocketReader(sock) → <SocketReader instance>
# next(<SocketReader instance>) → byte_of_data
# Wraps a socket and exposes it as per-byte iterator. Does not close the socket when it exits
def SocketReader(sock):
chunk = b''
while True:
for index in range(len(chunk)):
command = yield chunk[index]
if command is not None:
if command == ReaderCommands.stop:
# Return the rest of data in buffer
return chunk[index + 1:]
raise CommandError('%s not recognised' % repr(command))
chunk = sock.recv(1024)
except socket.timeout:
raise SocketReadError('Error reading socket: Remote end timed out')
if not chunk:
# FileReader(file) → <FileReader instance>
# next(<FileReader instance>) → byte_of_data
# Wraps a bytefile object and exposes it as per-byte iterator. Does not close the file when it exits
def FileReader(file):
chunk = b''
while True:
for index in range(len(chunk)):
command = yield chunk[index]
if command is not None:
if command == ReaderCommands.stop:
# Return the rest of data in buffer
return chunk[index + 1:]
raise CommandError('%s not recognised' % repr(command))
chunk =
if not chunk:
# StringReader(string) → <StringReader instance>
# next(<StringReader instance>) → byte_of_data
# Wraps a unicode string in a inteface like SocketReader or FileReader
def StringReader(string):
encoded = string.encode('utf-8')
for index in range(len(encoded)):
command = yield encoded[index]
if command is not None:
if command == ReaderCommands.stop:
# Return the rest of data
return encoded[index + 1:]
raise CommandError('%s not recognised' % repr(command))
# extract_itemtype_path(itemtype_path, *, config) → itemtype, path
# Extract itemtype and path components from a HTTP path
def extract_itemtype_path(itemtype_path, *, config):
# URL unquote the path
itemtype_path = urllib.parse.unquote(itemtype_path)
if len(itemtype_path) > 0 and itemtype_path[0] == '/':
itemtype_path = itemtype_path[1:]
if len(itemtype_path) == 0: # / is by default of type 1
itemtype = '1'
path = itemtype_path
elif itemtype_path in config.no_itemtype_whitelist: # Have a whitelist for itemtypeless files
itemtype = None
path = itemtype_path
else: # Extract the itemtype
itemtype = itemtype_path[0]
path = itemtype_path[1:]
return itemtype, path
class PathError(OneArgumentException):
text = 'Error with request path: %s'
# normalize_path(path, *, config) → normalized_path
# Normalize the path or raise an exception if the path is malformed
def normalize_path(path, *, config):
path_components = path.split('/')
normalized_components = []
for component in path_components:
if component == '':
# A dummy left by // or / in beginning or end, ignore
elif component == '.':
# foo/. = foo, ./bar = bar, ignore
elif component == '..':
# foo/bar/.. = foo, drop last component
# This equality does not always hold in a real unix system. However, there are two reasons these semantics are used
# 1. Gopher has no concept of symlinks, and many clients have "parent directory" option that drops last component of path
# 2. This allows for safe usage of symlinks in gopherroot to outside of it, rogue request can't escape to parent directory
if len(normalized_components) > 0: # Ensure we have a component to drop and drop it
# Attempted .. on an empty path, means attempting to point outside gopherroot
raise PathError('Path points outside gopherroot')
# A normal path component, add to the normalized path
return '/'.join(normalized_components)
class RequestError(OneArgumentException):
text = 'Error with handling request: %s'
class Protocol(enum.Enum):
gopher, gopherplus, http = range(3)
# get_request(sock, *, config) → path, protocol, *rest
# Read request from socket and parse it.
# path is the requested path, protocol is Protocol.gopher or Protocol.http depending on the request protocol
# rest is protocol-dependant information
def get_request(sockreader, *, config):
protocol = None
just_headers = False
request = bytearray()
while True:
except StopIteration: # Other end hung up before sending a full header
raise RequestError('Remote end hung up unexpectedly')
if len(request) >= config.request_max_size:
raise RequestError('Request too long')
# We have enough data to recognise a HTTP request
if protocol is None and len(request) >= 5:
# Does it look like a HTTP GET request?
if request[:3] == b'GET' and chr(request[3]) in [' ', '\r', '\t']:
# Yes, mark HTTP as protocol
protocol = Protocol.http
# Does it look like a HTTP HEAD request?
elif request[:4] == b'HEAD' and chr(request[4]) in [' ', '\r', '\t']:
# Yes, mark HTTP as the protocol and that we'll only return the headers
protocol = Protocol.http
just_headers = True
# No, mark Gopher as protocol
protocol = Protocol.gopher
# End of line reached before a HTTP GET or HEAD request found, mark Gopher as protocol
if protocol is None and len(request) >= 1 and request[-1:] == bytearray(b'\n'):
protocol = Protocol.gopher
# Twice CR+LF, end of HTTP request
if protocol == Protocol.http and len(request) >= 4 and request[-4:] == bytearray(b'\r\n\r\n'):
# Twice LF, malcompliant but support anyways
if protocol == Protocol.http and len(request) >=2 and request[-2:] == bytearray(b'\n\n'):
# CR+LF, end of Gopher request
if protocol == Protocol.gopher and len(request) >= 2 and request[-2:] == bytearray(b'\r\n'):
# LF, malcompliant but support anyways
if protocol == Protocol.gopher and len(request) >= 1 and request[-1:] == bytearray(b'\n'):
if protocol == Protocol.http:
length = len(request)
# Start after GET/HEAD
index = 4 if just_headers else 3
# Skip witespace
while index < length and chr(request[index]) in [' ', '\r', '\n', '\t']: index += 1
# Found the start of the requested path
path_start = index
# Skip until next whitespace (end of requested path)
while index < length and chr(request[index]) not in [' ', '\r', '\n', '\t']: index += 1
# Found the end of the requested path
path_end = index
itemtype_path = urllib.parse.unquote(request[path_start:path_end].decode('utf-8'))
itemtype, path = extract_itemtype_path(itemtype_path, config = config)
# Try to extract user agent
useragent = None
for line in request.split(b'\n'):
ua_string = b'user-agent:'
if len(line) >= len(ua_string) and line.lower()[:len(ua_string)] == ua_string:
useragent = line[len(ua_string):].decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
useragent = line[len(ua_string):].decode('latin-1')
useragent = useragent.strip()
rest = (itemtype, just_headers, useragent)
elif protocol == Protocol.gopher:
rest = ()
length = len(request)
index = 0
# Seek until either end of line or a tab (field separator)
while index < length and chr(request[index]) not in ['\t', '\r', '\n']: index += 1
# Found the end of the path
path_end = index
path = request[:path_end].decode('utf-8')
# If another field was present, check to see if it marks a Gopher+ request
if chr(request[index]) == '\t':
index += 1
field_start = index
# Look until end of line
while index < length and chr(request[index]) not in ['\r', '\n']: index += 1
field_end = index
field = request[field_start:field_end].decode('utf-8')
# We recognise these as signalling a Gopher+ request
if len(field) >= 1 and field[0] in ['+', '!', '$']:
# It was Gopher+, let's update protocol value and stash the field into rest
protocol = Protocol.gopherplus
rest = (field,)
return (path, protocol) + rest
infofiles_cached = set()
infofiles_cached_lock = threading.Lock()
# read_infofile(file_path)
# Reads into caches the contents of .filesinfo file at same directory as file_path
def read_infofile(file_path):
with infofiles_cached_lock:
if file_path in infofiles_cached:
infofile = configparser.ConfigParser()
infofile_path = file_path.parent / '.filesinfo'
for file in infofile.sections():
if 'mimetype' in infofile[file]:
with mimetype_cache_lock:
mimetype_cache[file_path.parent / file] = infofile[file]['mimetype']
with infofiles_cached_lock:
# TODO: Read from file
extension_mimetypes = {'.txt': 'text/plain', '.text': 'text/plain', '.log': 'text/plain', '.html': 'text/html'}
mimetype_cache = {}
mimetype_cache_lock = threading.Lock()
# get_mimetype(full_path, *, config) → mimetype
# Return the mime type of given file
def get_mimetype(full_path, *, config):
mimetype = None
cached = False
# Look at the information file in the same directory
# Try looking up from cache
with mimetype_cache_lock:
if full_path in mimetype_cache:
mimetype = mimetype_cache[full_path]
cached = True
# See if it's a gophermap
if mimetype is None:
if == 'gophermap':
mimetype = 'text/x-gophermap'
# Try extension
if mimetype is None:
extension = full_path.suffix
if extension in extension_mimetypes:
mimetype = extension_mimetypes[extension]
# Nothing worked, use fallback
if mimetype is None:
mimetype = config.fallback_mimetype
# Write into the cache
if not cached:
with mimetype_cache_lock:
mimetype_cache[full_path] = mimetype
return mimetype
# get_full_path(path, *, config) → full_path
# Figure out full path for the file
def get_full_path(path, *, config):
full_path = config.gopher_root / path
# If it's a directory, use the gophermap file in said directory instead
st = os.stat(str(full_path))
if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
full_path = full_path / 'gophermap'
return full_path
class Status:
ok, notfound, error, badrequest = range(4)
# is_text_from_mimetype(mimetype) → is_text
# A simple "is this data text" heuristic
def is_text_from_mimetype(mimetype):
return mimetype.split('/')[0] == 'text'
# send_header(sock, protocol, status, mimetype, *, config)
# Send a header that matches the provided information
def send_header(sock, protocol, status, mimetype, *, config):
is_text = is_text_from_mimetype(mimetype)
if protocol == Protocol.http:
# We translate gophermaps into HTML, so send HTML mimetype
if mimetype == 'text/x-gophermap':
content_type = b'Content-type: text/html'
content_type = b'Content-type: ' + mimetype.encode('utf-8')
# Add character set encoding information if we are transmitting text
if is_text:
content_type += ('; charset=%s' % config.charset).encode('utf-8')
if status == Status.ok:
statusline = b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
elif status == Status.notfound:
statusline = b'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'
elif status == Status.error:
statusline = b'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'
elif status == Status.badrequest:
statusline = b'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'
header = statusline + b'\r\n' + content_type + b'\r\n\r\n'
elif protocol == Protocol.gopherplus:
if status == Status.ok:
# Gopher has two ways to transmit data of unknown size, text (+-1) and binary (+-2)
if is_text:
header = b'+-1\r\n'
header = b'+-2\r\n'
elif status == Status.notfound:
header = b'--1\r\n'
elif status == Status.error:
# Technically -2 means "Try again later", but there is no code for "server blew up"
header = b'--2\r\n'
elif status == Status.badrequest:
# Technically -1 means "File not found", but there is no code for "bad request"
header = b'--1\r\n'
elif protocol == Protocol.gopher:
# Gopher has no header
header = b''
# send_binaryfile(sock, reader, protocol, *, config)
# Send the data in the given reader as binary
def send_binaryfile(sock, reader, protocol, *, config):
buffer_max = 1024
buffer = bytearray()
left = buffer_max
for byte in reader:
if left == 0:
# Flush buffer
left = buffer_max
# If there was something left in the buffer, flush it
if len(buffer) != 0:
# send_textfile(sock, reader, protocol, *, config)
# Send the data in the given reader, encoded correctly as text file
def send_textfile(sock, reader, protocol, *, config):
if protocol == Protocol.http:
# HTTP needs no additional encoding, send as binary
send_binaryfile(sock, reader, protocol, config = config)
elif protocol == Protocol.gopher or protocol == Protocol.gopherplus:
line = bytearray()
for byte in reader:
if chr(byte) == '\n':
# Append \r\n to end of line, send it, and clear
line = bytearray()
elif chr(byte) == '.' and len(line) == 0:
# . in the beginning of line, needs to be quoted
# Add to the line
# If there was no terminating \n, flush the line buffer
if len(line) != 0:
# Signal end of text
# html_encode(bytestring) -> encoded_bytestring
# Makes bytestring usable as HTML text
def html_encode(bytestring):
return bytestring.replace(b'&', b'&amp;').replace(b'<', b'&lt;').replace(b'>', b'&gt;')
# send_gophermap(sock, reader, protocol, *, config)
# Send the gophermap in the given reader either as gophermap or HTML
def send_gophermap(sock, reader, protocol, *, config):
if protocol == Protocol.gopher or protocol == Protocol.gopherplus:
# Gopher(+) needs no additional translation, send as text
send_textfile(sock, reader, protocol, config = config)
elif protocol == Protocol.http:
# Send header of the HTML file
sock.sendall(b'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<head><title>Gophermap</title><style>body { max-width: 70ch; margin: auto; }</style></head><body><p>\n')
lines = []
line = bytearray()
for byte in reader:
if chr(byte) == '\n':
# Add to lines and clear
line = bytearray()
# Add to the line
# If there was no terminating \n, add the line to lines
if len(line) != 0:
for line in lines:
# Translate to html and send it
# Split into components
itemtype_name, path, server, port, *_ = line.split(b'\t')
itemtype = itemtype_name[0:1]
name = itemtype_name[1:]
if itemtype == b'i':
# Text
sock.sendall(html_encode(name) + b'<br/>\n')
# Link
# TODO: Figure out a heuristic when to pick http:// and when to pick gopher://
if port == b'70':
# If port is 70, don't include the port part. This allows interoperability with Idigna
url = b'http://' + server + b'/' + itemtype + urllib.parse.quote_from_bytes(path).encode('utf-8')
url = b'http://' + server + b':' + port + b'/' + itemtype + urllib.parse.quote_from_bytes(path).encode('utf-8')
sock.sendall(b'<a href="' + url + b'">' + html_encode(name) + b'</a><br/>\n')
# Send footer of the HTML file
# send_file(sock, reader, protocol, mimetype, *, config)
# Send data from reader over the socket with right encoding for the mimetype
def send_file(sock, reader, protocol, mimetype, *, config):
if mimetype == 'text/x-gophermap':
# Send as gophermap (possibly translated into HTML)
send_gophermap(sock, reader, protocol, config = config)
elif is_text_from_mimetype(mimetype):
# Send as text
send_textfile(sock, reader, protocol, config = config)
# Send as binary file
send_binaryfile(sock, reader, protocol, config = config)
# test_is_cgi(full_path, *, config) → is_cgi
# Tests whether file associated with full_path is CGI
def test_is_cgi(full_path, *, config):
# Assume anything runnable is CGI
return os.access(str(full_path), os.X_OK)
# get_file(full_path, *, config)
# Get a file object that can be passed to FileReader, either of file's contents of CGI's output
def get_file(full_path, *, config):
if test_is_cgi(full_path, config = config):
# Run CGI and use its output
proc = subprocess.Popen([str(full_path)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.stdout
# Open file in binary mode
file = open(str(full_path), 'rb')
return file
# is_hurl_path(path_raw) → is_hurl
# Returns whether the path is a hURL redirect
def is_hurl_path(path_raw):
return len(path_raw) >= 4 and path_raw[:4] == 'URL:'
# hurl_redirect(url_raw, *, config) → redirect_page
# Return a HTML page for hURL redirect
def hurl_redirect(url_raw, *, config):
url_escaped = cgi.escape(url_raw)
return config.hurl_redirect_page.replace('__raw_url__', url_raw).replace('__escaped_url__', url_escaped)
# Worker thread implementation
class Serve(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, controller, sock, address, config):
self.controller = controller
self.sock = sock
self.address = address
self.config = config
def handle_request(self):
sockreader = SocketReader(self.sock)
path_raw, protocol, *rest = get_request(sockreader, config = self.config)
just_headers = False
if protocol == Protocol.http:
itemtype, just_headers, useragent = rest
if protocol == Protocol.http and itemtype is not None and itemtype not in self.config.recognised_itemtypes:
# If we don't recognize the requested itemtype, signal that it was a bad request
log('%s [%s] requested path %s with bad itemtype %s' % (self.address,, path_raw, itemtype))
reader = StringReader('%s not recognized as an item type\n\nRecognized ones are %s\n\nThe correct URL syntax is http://server:port/0/textfile\n' % (itemtype, ', '.join(self.config.recognised_itemtypes)))
send_header(self.sock, protocol, Status.badrequest, 'text/plain', config = self.config)
send_file(self.sock, reader, protocol, 'text/plain', config = self.config)
elif is_hurl_path(path_raw):
url_raw = path_raw[4:]
log('%s [%s] hURL %s' % (self.address,, url_raw))
reader = StringReader(hurl_redirect(url_raw, config = self.config))
send_header(self.sock, protocol, Status.ok, 'text/html', config = self.config)
send_file(self.sock, reader, protocol, 'text/html', config = self.config)
path = normalize_path(path_raw, config = self.config)
full_path = get_full_path(path, config = self.config)
mimetype = get_mimetype(full_path, config = self.config)
file = get_file(full_path, config = self.config)
except FileNotFoundError:
log('%s [%s] requested path not found %s' % (self.address,, path_raw))
reader = StringReader('%s not found\n\nMake sure you included the item type in the URL\n' % path_raw)
send_header(self.sock, protocol, Status.notfound, 'text/plain', config = self.config)
if not just_headers:
send_file(self.sock, reader, protocol, 'text/plain', config = self.config)
log('%s [%s] requested path %s' % (self.address,, path_raw))
reader = FileReader(file)
send_header(self.sock, protocol, Status.ok, mimetype, config = self.config)
if not just_headers:
send_file(self.sock, reader, protocol, mimetype, config = self.config)
except BaseException as err:
reader = StringReader('Internal server error\n')
send_header(self.sock, protocol, Status.error, 'text/plain', config = self.config)
send_file(self.sock, reader, protocol, 'text/plain', config = self.config)
raise err
if protocol == Protocol.http:
log('User agent: %s' % useragent)
def run(self):
global threads_amount, threads_lock
except BaseException as err: # Catch and log exceptions instead of letting to crash, as we need to update the worker thread count on abnormal exit as well
error('Worker thread (%s) died with: %s' % (self.address, err))
class Threads_controller:
def __init__(self):
self.threads_amount = 0
self.threads_lock = threading.Lock()
# .spawn_thread(sock, address, config)
# Spawn a new thread to serve a connection if possible, do nothing if not
def spawn_thread(self, sock, address, config):
# See if we can spawn a new thread. If not, log an error, close the socket and return. If yes, increment the amount of threads running
with self.threads_lock:
if self.threads_amount >= config.max_threads:
error('Could not serve a request from %s, worker thread limit exhausted' % address)
self.threads_amount += 1
# Spawn a new worker thread
Serve(self, sock, address, config).start()
# .thread_end()
# Called from worker thread to signal it's exiting
def thread_end(self):
with self.threads_lock:
self.threads_amount -= 1
class IPParseError(OneArgumentException):
text = 'Error parsing IP: %s'
# read_blacklist(blacklist_file) → blacklist
# Reads the contents of the blacklist file into a form usable by ip_in_ranges()
def read_blacklist(blacklist_file):
file = open(str(blacklist_file), 'r')
except FileNotFoundError:
return []
lines ='\n')
blacklist = []
for line in lines:
# Comment handling
if '#' in line:
line = line[:line.index('#')]
# Remove surrounding whitespace
line = line.strip()
# If an empty line, skip
if line == '':
ip_range = ipaddress.ip_network(line)
except ValueError:
raise IPParseError('Invalid format: ' + line)
return blacklist
# ip_in_ranges(ip, ip_ranges) → in_rages
# Checks whether an ip address is in given ranges
def ip_in_ranges(ip, ip_ranges):
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
except ValueError:
raise IPParseError('Invalid format: ' + line)
for ip_range in ip_ranges:
if ip in ip_range:
return True
return False
# listen(config) → (Never returns)
# Binds itself to all interfaces on designated port and listens on incoming connections
# Spawns worker threads to handle the connections
def listen(config):
# Get sockets that we listen to
listening_sockets = bind(config.port)
# Drop privileges, we don't need them after this
# If we got no sockets to listen to, die
if listening_sockets == []:
die('Could not bind to port %i' % config.port)
# Create a poll object for the listening sockets and a fd→socket map
listening = select.poll()
sock_by_fd = {}
for s in listening_sockets:
listening.register(s, select.POLLIN)
sock_by_fd[s.fileno()] = s
del listening_sockets
# Create a controller object for the worker threads
threads_controller = Threads_controller()
# Read blacklist of addresses
blacklist = read_blacklist(config.blacklist_file)
while True:
# Wait for listening sockets to get activity
events = listening.poll()
for fd,event in events:
assert(event == select.POLLIN)
# Get socket from table established previously
s = sock_by_fd[fd]
# Accept and handle the connection
conn, addr = s.accept()
# Check if connection is from a blacklisted IP address
if ip_in_ranges(addr[0], blacklist):
# It was, skip event
log('Connection from blacklisted address %s' % addr[0])
# Set timeout for socket
threads_controller.spawn_thread(conn, addr[0], config)
if __name__ == '__main__':