import os import select import socket import sys import threading import time class config: None config.port = 7777 config.max_threads = 1024 config.recognised_selectors = ['0', '1', '5', '9', 'g', 'h', 'I', 's'] # error(message) # Print error message to stderr def error(message): program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print('%s: Error: %s' % (program_name, message), file = sys.stderr) # die(message, status = 1) -> (Never returns) # Print error message to stderr and exit with status code def die(message, status = 1): error(message) sys.exit(status) # bind(port, backlog = 1) → [sockets...] # Binds to all available (TCP) interfaces on specified port and returns the sockets # backlog controls how many connections allowed to wait handling before system drops new ones def bind(port, backlog = 1): # Based on code in sockets = [] for res in socket.getaddrinfo(None, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res try: s = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) except OSError: continue # Make IPv6 socket only bind on IPv6 address, otherwise may clash with IPv4 and not get enabled if af == socket.AF_INET6: try: s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1) except OSError: pass try: s.bind(sa) s.listen(backlog) except OSError: s.close() continue sockets.append(s) return sockets # drop_privileges() # Drops set[ug]id, die()s if unsuccesful def drop_privileges(): try: uid = os.getuid() gid = os.getgid() os.setresgid(gid, gid, gid) os.setresuid(uid, uid, uid) except: die('Unable to drop privileges') class Protocol: gopher, http = range(2) class RequestEerror(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return 'Error with handling request: ' + self.message # extract_selector_path(selector_path) -> selector, path # Extract selector and path components from a HTTP path def extract_selector_path(selector_path): if len(selector_path) > 0 and selector_path[0] == '/': selector_path = selector_path[1:] if len(selector_path) == 0: # / is by default of type 1 selector = '1' path = selector_path elif selector_path[0] in config.recognised_selectors: # Requested path has a selector we recognise, extract it selector = selector_path[0] path = selector_path[1:] else: # We couldn't recognise any selector, return None for it selector = None path = selector_path return selector, path # get_request(sock) -> path, protocol, rest # Read request from socket and parse it. # path is the requested path, protocol is Protocol.gopher or Protocol.http depending on the request protocol # rest is protocol-dependant information def get_request(sock): request = b'' while True: data = sock.recv(1024) if not data: # Other end hung up before sending a header raise RequestEerror('Remote end hung up unexpectedly') request += data if b'\n' in request: # First line has been sent, all we care about for now break request = request.decode('utf-8') first_line = request.split('\n')[0] if first_line[-1] == '\r': first_line = first_line[:-1] first_line = first_line.split(' ') if len(first_line) >= 1 and first_line[0] == 'GET': selector_path = first_line[1] selector, path = extract_selector_path(selector_path) return path, Protocol.http, selector else: if len(first_line) >= 1: path = first_line[0] else: path = '' return path, Protocol.gopher, None # Global variables to keep track of the amount of running worker threads threads_amount = 0 threads_lock = threading.Lock() # Worker thread implementation class Serve(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, sock, address): self.sock = sock self.address = address threading.Thread.__init__(self) def handle_request(self): path, protocol, rest = get_request(self.sock) answer = str((path, protocol, rest))+'\n' self.sock.sendall(answer.encode('utf-8')) def run(self): global threads_amount, threads_lock try: self.handle_request() #except BaseException as err: # Catch and log exceptions instead of letting to crash, as we need to update the worker thread count on abnormal exit as well # error('Worker thread died with: %s' % err) finally: self.sock.close() with threads_lock: threads_amount -= 1 # spawn_thread(sock, address) # Spawn a new thread to serve a connection if possible, do nothing if not def spawn_thread(sock, address): global threads_amount, threads_lock # See if we can spawn a new thread. If not, log an error, close the socket and return. If yes, increment the amount of threads running with threads_lock: if threads_amount >= config.max_threads: error('Could not serve a request from %s, worker thread limit exhausted' % address) sock.close() return else: threads_amount += 1 # Spawn a new worker thread Serve(sock, address).start() # listen(port) -> (Never returns) # Binds itself to all interfaces on designated port and listens on incoming connections # Spawns worker threads to handle the connections def listen(port): # Get sockets that we listen to listening_sockets = bind(port) # Drop privileges, we don't need them after this drop_privileges() # If we got no sockets to listen to, die if listening_sockets == []: die('Could not bind to port %i' % port) # Create a poll object for the listening sockets and a fd->socket map listening = select.poll() sock_by_fd={} for s in listening_sockets: listening.register(s, select.POLLIN) sock_by_fd[s.fileno()] = s del listening_sockets while True: # Wait for listening sockets to get activity events = listening.poll() for fd,event in events: assert(event == select.POLLIN) # Get socked from table established previously s = sock_by_fd[fd] # Accept and handle the connection conn,addr = s.accept() spawn_thread(conn, addr[0]) listen(config.port)