2021-04-19 13:47:21 +03:00

901 lines
18 KiB

* table.c
* libhtml - HTML->X renderer
* Copyright (c) 1995-1997, John Kilburg <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "port_before.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "port_after.h"
#include "html.h"
typedef struct
HTMLBox box;
unsigned int width;
int rowspan, colspan;
} HData;
typedef struct
bool original;
int rowspan, colspan;
HData *ds;
int rowspan2, colspan2;
HData *ds2;
} HCell;
typedef struct
GList datas;
int colcount;
HCell *ca;
} HRow;
typedef struct
MemPool mp;
unsigned int border; /* table border width */
HTMLBox box; /* table box */
HTMLBox dbox; /* current data box */
MLElement p; /* table tag element */
GList grid; /* grid of rows and data */
GList klist; /* list of kids */
int rowcount, colcount; /* nearly always greater than real */
int pass;
unsigned int *cwidth, *rheight; /* column widths, row heights */
unsigned int *swidth; /* scaled columns widths */
unsigned int max_width; /* width available for table */
unsigned int inf_width; /* width with unbounded table size */
} HTable;
* Private functions
static void DestroyTable _ArgProto((HTMLInfo, HTMLBox));
static void SetupTable _ArgProto((HTMLInfo, HTMLBox));
static void RenderTable _ArgProto((HTMLInfo, HTMLBox, Region));
static void TablePosition1 _ArgProto((HTable *));
static void TablePosition2 _ArgProto((HTable *));
static void FillSpans _ArgProto((HTable *));
* SetupTable
* Called when the position of the table is known. Now set the location
* of the child boxes and arrange to have their setup function called.
static void
SetupTable(li, box)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLBox box;
int i, j;
HRow *rs;
HData *ds;
int bx, by;
HTable *ts = (HTable *)box->closure;
bx = 0;
by = 0;
for (j = 0, rs = (HRow *)GListGetHead(ts->grid); rs != NULL;
rs = (HRow *)GListGetNext(ts->grid), j++)
if (rs->ca == NULL) continue;
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
if (rs->ca[i].ds != NULL && rs->ca[i].original)
ds = rs->ca[i].ds;
ds->box->x = bx + box->x;
ds->box->y = by + box->y;
HTMLSetupBox(li, ds->box);
bx += ts->cwidth[i];
bx += ts->cwidth[i];
bx = 0;
by += ts->rheight[j];
* RenderTable
* Called when the table has been exposed. Since the child boxes
* will handle their own refresh only need to refresh the border if
* there is one.
static void
RenderTable(li, box, r)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLBox box;
Region r;
HTable *ts = (HTable *)box->closure;
HTMLBox c;
for (c = (HTMLBox)GListGetHead(ts->klist); c != NULL;
c = (HTMLBox)GListGetNext(ts->klist))
HTMLRenderBox(li, r, c);
* DestroyTable
static void
DestroyTable(li, box)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLBox box;
HTable *ts = (HTable *)box->closure;
HTMLBox c;
while ((c = (HTMLBox)GListPop(ts->klist)) != NULL)
HTMLDestroyBox(li, c);
* HTMLTableAddBox
HTMLTableAddBox(li, env, box)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
HTMLBox box;
HTMLTDAddBox(li, env, box)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
HTMLBox box;
HTable *ts = (HTable *)env->closure;
HTMLLayoutBox(li, ts->dbox, box);
* Called when a <td> tag is encountered
HTMLTDBegin(li, env, p)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
MLElement p;
HTable *ts;
HRow *rs;
HData *ds;
ts = (HTable *)env->penv->closure;
env->closure = ts;
if (ts->pass == 0)
rs = (HRow *)GListGetTail(ts->grid);
myassert(rs != NULL, "Could not find row data (1).");
ds = (HData *)MPCGet(ts->mp, sizeof(HData));
if (p == NULL)
ds->colspan = 1;
ds->rowspan = 1;
if ((ds->colspan = MLAttributeToInt(p, "colspan")) < 1) ds->colspan = 1;
if ((ds->rowspan = MLAttributeToInt(p, "rowspan")) < 1) ds->rowspan = 1;
GListAddTail(rs->datas, ds);
rs->colcount += ds->colspan;
if (rs->colcount > ts->colcount) ts->colcount = rs->colcount;
/* this is more than the real count but that's ok. */
ts->rowcount += ds->rowspan;
ts->dbox = ds->box = HTMLCreateFlowBox(li, env, li->tableCellInfinity);
rs = (HRow *)GListGetCurrent(ts->grid);
myassert(rs != NULL, "Could not find row data (2).");
ds = (HData *)GListGetCurrent(rs->datas);
myassert(ds != NULL, "Could not find cell data (2).");
ts->dbox = ds->box = HTMLCreateFlowBox(li, env, ds->width);
GListAddHead(ts->klist, ds->box);
* Called when a <td> tag is encountered
HTMLTDEnd(li, env, p)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
MLElement p;
HTable *ts = (HTable *)env->closure;
HRow *rs;
HTMLFinishFlowBox(li, ts->dbox);
if (ts->pass > 0)
rs = (HRow *)GListGetCurrent(ts->grid);
HTMLTRBegin(li, env, p)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
MLElement p;
HTable *ts;
HRow *rs;
ts = (HTable *)env->penv->closure;
env->closure = ts;
if (ts->pass == 0)
rs = (HRow *)MPCGet(ts->mp, sizeof(HRow));
GListAddTail(ts->grid, rs);
rs->datas = GListCreateX(ts->mp);
rs = (HRow *)GListGetCurrent(ts->grid);
HTMLTREnd(li, env, p)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
MLElement p;
HTable *ts;
ts = (HTable *)env->penv->closure;
env->closure = ts;
if (ts->pass > 0) GListGetNext(ts->grid);
* HTMLTableBegin
* Called when <table> is encountered. Has to deal with two passes.
HTMLTableBegin(li, env, p)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
MLElement p;
HTMLBox box;
HTable *ts;
char *value, *cp;
int x;
int border;
unsigned int width, maxwidth;
maxwidth = width = HTMLGetMaxWidth(li, env->penv);
env->anchor = NULL;
if (env->closure == NULL)
ts = (HTable *)MPCGet(li->mp, sizeof(HTable));
ts->mp = li->mp;
ts->p = p;
env->closure = ts;
if ((border = MLAttributeToInt(p, "border")) < 0) border = 0;
ts->border = border;
ts->grid = GListCreateX(ts->mp);
ts->klist = GListCreateX(li->mp);
if ((value = MLFindAttribute(p, "width")) != NULL)
if (isdigit(value[0]))
x = atoi(value);
for (cp = value; ; cp++)
if (!isdigit(*cp)) break;
if (*cp != '\0')
if (*cp == '%')
if (x >= 10) width = width * x / 100;
else if (x >= 100) width = x;
else if (x >= 100) width = x;
if (width > 0) ts->max_width = width;
else ts->max_width = 0;
ts = (HTable *)env->closure;
ts->pass = env->pass;
* Create the table box
ts->box = box = HTMLCreateBox(li, env);
box->setup = SetupTable;
box->render = RenderTable;
box->destroy = DestroyTable;
box->closure = ts;
* HTMLTableEnd
* Called when </table> is encountered. Has to deal with two passes.
HTMLTableEnd(li, env, p)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
MLElement p;
HTable *ts = (HTable *)env->closure;
if (ts->colcount == 0) return;
if (ts->pass == 0)
* Do first pass size calculations.
* Now destroy the table box and its children since we need to rebuild
* from scratch.
HTMLDestroyBox(li, ts->box);
ts->box = NULL;
HTMLEnvAddBox(li, env->penv, ts->box);
* FillSpans
static void
HTable *ts;
HRow *rs;
HData *ds;
int i, j, k;
HCell *pca;
ts->colcount *= 2;
* Allocate an array for each row to keep track of the data grid.
for (k = 0, rs = (HRow *)GListGetHead(ts->grid); rs != NULL;
rs = (HRow *)GListGetNext(ts->grid), k++)
rs->ca = (HCell *)MPCGet(ts->mp, sizeof(HCell) * ts->colcount);
* Its possible rowspan has pushed things down a bit so add rows as
* necessary. Overkill is OK.
for (; k < ts->rowcount; k++)
rs = (HRow *)MPCGet(ts->mp, sizeof(HRow));
GListAddTail(ts->grid, rs);
rs->datas = GListCreateX(ts->mp);
rs->ca = (HCell *)MPCGet(ts->mp, sizeof(HCell) * ts->colcount);
* Put the data into the grids according to rowspan and colspan.
pca = NULL;
for (rs = (HRow *)GListGetHead(ts->grid); rs != NULL;
rs = (HRow *)GListGetNext(ts->grid))
* If there is a previous row then look at the HCell's above and
* see if they need to be extended. We know the HCell above needs to
* be extended down if rowspan > 1. Move rowspan - 1 down to the
* current row. Also, move the colspan
* value down (its not used, though) and the HData pointer.
if (pca != NULL)
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
if (pca[i].ds != NULL && pca[i].rowspan > 1)
myassert(rs->ca[i].ds == NULL, "Cell visitation unexpected!");
rs->ca[i].rowspan = pca[i].rowspan - 1;
rs->ca[i].colspan = pca[i].colspan;
rs->ca[i].ds = pca[i].ds;
if (pca[i].ds2 != NULL && pca[i].rowspan2 > 1)
myassert(rs->ca[i].ds == NULL, "Cell visitation unexpected! (2)");
rs->ca[i].rowspan = pca[i].rowspan2 - 1;
rs->ca[i].colspan = pca[i].colspan2;
rs->ca[i].ds = pca[i].ds2;
* Now extend HData to the right depending on the colspan.
for (ds = (HData *)GListGetHead(rs->datas); ds != NULL;
ds = (HData *)GListGetNext(rs->datas))
* Scan to the right and look for the first empty HCell. This needs
* to be done because an HData above could have spanned down to fill
* in the beginning of the row.
* This has to be done for each data section because a row that
* was extended down may have used up space in the middle of the
* row.
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
if (rs->ca[i].ds == NULL) break;
myassert(ts->colcount != i, "Table column count confused.");
rs->ca[i].original = true;
for (j = 0; j < ds->colspan; j++, i++)
if (rs->ca[i].ds == NULL)
rs->ca[i].ds = ds;
rs->ca[i].colspan = ds->colspan - j;
rs->ca[i].rowspan = ds->rowspan;
rs->ca[i].ds2 = ds;
rs->ca[i].colspan2 = ds->colspan - j;
rs->ca[i].rowspan2 = ds->rowspan;
pca = rs->ca;
* Test code. Print out patterns to see if the internal representation
* looks reasonable.
for (rs = (HRow *)GListGetHead(ts->grid); rs != NULL;
rs = (HRow *)GListGetNext(ts->grid))
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
if (rs->ca[i].ds2 != NULL) printf ("o");
else if (rs->ca[i].ds != NULL && rs->ca[i].original)
printf ("%c", (char )((int)('A') + i));
else if (rs->ca[i].ds != NULL) printf ("%c", (char )((int)('a') + i));
else printf ("x");
* TablePosition1
static void
HTable *ts;
int i, j;
HRow *rs;
HData *ds;
unsigned int twidth, width;
* Allocate arrays to hold the column widths and row heights.
* cwidth = column width
* swidth = scaled column width
* rheight = row height
ts->cwidth = (unsigned int *)MPCGet(ts->mp, sizeof(unsigned int) *
ts->swidth = (unsigned int *)MPCGet(ts->mp, sizeof(unsigned int) *
ts->rheight = (unsigned int *)MPCGet(ts->mp, sizeof(unsigned int) *
* Figure out the unrestrained widths of the columns. Needed a little
* later to determine the width of the table.
twidth = 0;
for (rs = (HRow *)GListGetHead(ts->grid); rs != NULL;
rs = (HRow *)GListGetNext(ts->grid))
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
if (rs->ca[i].ds != NULL)
ds = rs->ca[i].ds;
width = ds->box->width / ds->colspan;
if (width > ts->cwidth[i]) ts->cwidth[i] = width;
if (rs->ca[i].ds2 != NULL)
ds = rs->ca[i].ds2;
width = ds->box->width / ds->colspan;
if (width > ts->cwidth[i]) ts->cwidth[i] = width;
* Determine the width of the unrestrained table.
twidth = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
twidth += ts->cwidth[i];
if (twidth > 0 && twidth > ts->max_width)
* Now scale the columns to fit in the space available attempting to keep
* things in proportion.
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
ts->swidth[i] = ts->max_width * ts->cwidth[i] / twidth;
* No size problems so just copy the widths as-is.
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
ts->swidth[i] = ts->cwidth[i];
* Finally, figure out the widths of individual cells.
for (rs = (HRow *)GListGetHead(ts->grid); rs != NULL;
rs = (HRow *)GListGetNext(ts->grid))
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
if (rs->ca[i].ds != NULL && rs->ca[i].original)
* Add in the widths of all the columns for a column spanning
* cell.
ds = rs->ca[i].ds;
for (j = 0; j + i < ts->colcount && j < ds->colspan; j++)
ds->width += ts->swidth[i + j];
* TablePosition2
static void
HTable *ts;
int i, j;
unsigned int width, height;
HRow *rs;
HData *ds;
memset(ts->cwidth, 0, ts->colcount * sizeof(unsigned int));
memset(ts->rheight, 0, ts->rowcount * sizeof(unsigned int));
* Get the columns widths and row heights for the restrained table
* (second pass).
for (j = 0, rs = (HRow *)GListGetHead(ts->grid); rs != NULL;
rs = (HRow *)GListGetNext(ts->grid), j++)
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
if (rs->ca[i].ds != NULL)
ds = rs->ca[i].ds;
width = ds->box->width / ds->colspan;
if (width > ts->cwidth[i]) ts->cwidth[i] = width;
height = ds->box->height / ds->rowspan;
if (height > ts->rheight[j]) ts->rheight[j] = height;
if (rs->ca[i].ds2 != NULL)
ds = rs->ca[i].ds2;
width = ds->box->width / ds->colspan;
if (width > ts->cwidth[i]) ts->cwidth[i] = width;
height = ds->box->height / ds->rowspan;
if (height > ts->rheight[j]) ts->rheight[j] = height;
* Find the final width and height of the table.
width = 0;
height = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ts->colcount; i++)
width += ts->cwidth[i];
for (i = 0; i < ts->rowcount; i++)
height += ts->rheight[i];
ts->box->width = width;
ts->box->height = height;
* HTMLTableAccept
HTMLTableAccept(li, obj)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLObject obj;
if (obj->type != HTML_ENV) return(false);
if (HTMLTagToID(obj->o.env->tag) != TAG_TR) return(false);
* HTMLTRAccept
HTMLTRAccept(li, obj)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLObject obj;
HTMLTagID tagid;
if (obj->type != HTML_ENV) return(false);
tagid = HTMLTagToID(obj->o.env->tag);
if (tagid != TAG_TD && tagid != TAG_TH) return(false);
* HTMLTDInsert
HTMLTDInsert(li, env, p)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
MLElement p;
HTMLEnv c;
HTMLTagID tid;
for (c = (HTMLEnv)GListGetHead(li->envstack); c != NULL;
c = (HTMLEnv)GListGetNext(li->envstack))
tid = HTMLTagToID(c->tag);
if (tid == TAG_TABLE || tid == TAG_TR) break;
if (c == NULL) return(HTMLInsertReject);
else if (tid == TAG_TABLE) HTMLStartEnv(li, TAG_TR, NULL);
else HTMLPopEnv(li, TAG_TR);
HTMLTDClamp(li, env)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
HTMLEnv c;
HTMLTagID tid;
for (c = (HTMLEnv)GListGetHead(li->envstack); c != NULL;
c = (HTMLEnv)GListGetNext(li->envstack))
tid = HTMLTagToID(c->tag);
if (tid == TAG_TABLE || tid == TAG_TD) break;
if (c == NULL) return(false);
else if (tid == TAG_TABLE) return(false);
* HTMLTRInsert
HTMLTRInsert(li, env, p)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
MLElement p;
HTMLEnv tenv;
if ((tenv = HTMLFindEnv(li, TAG_TABLE)) == NULL) return(HTMLInsertReject);
HTMLTRClamp(li, env)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
HTMLEnv c;
HTMLTagID tid;
for (c = (HTMLEnv)GListGetHead(li->envstack); c != NULL;
c = (HTMLEnv)GListGetNext(li->envstack))
tid = HTMLTagToID(c->tag);
if (tid == TAG_TABLE || tid == TAG_TR) break;
if (c == NULL) return(false);
else if (tid == TAG_TABLE) return(false);
unsigned int
HTMLTDWidth(li, env)
HTMLInfo li;
HTMLEnv env;
HTable *ts = (HTable *)env->closure;
return(HTMLGetBoxWidth(li, ts->dbox));