2021-04-19 13:47:21 +03:00

790 lines
15 KiB

* css.c
* Copyright (c) 1998, John Kilburg <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "port_before.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "port_after.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "Chimera.h"
#include "css.h"
struct CSSPropertyP
CSSRule cr;
char *name;
char *value;
struct CSSSelectorP
char *tag;
char *id;
char *class;
char *pclass;
struct CSSRuleP
GList selectors; /* list of lists of CSSSelector's */
GList properties; /* list of CSSProperty's */
* Used to keep track of which buffer to take input from. Since new
* text can be inserted at any time have to be able to store and restore
* buffer context.
struct CSSInputP
char *b;
size_t blen;
char *cp;
char *ep;
struct CSSContextP
MemPool mp;
ChimeraContext cs;
/* parser bookkeeping */
GList inputs;
/* The Result: a list of rules and properties */
GList rules;
GList props;
/* callback information */
CSSProc proc;
void *closure;
ChimeraTask task;
typedef struct CSSInputP *CSSInput;
static char *ParseSpace _ArgProto((char *, char *));
static CSSSelector ParseSelector2 _ArgProto((MemPool, char *, size_t));
static GList ParseSelector1 _ArgProto((MemPool, char *, size_t));
static GList ParseSelector _ArgProto((MemPool, char *, size_t));
static CSSProperty ParseProperty _ArgProto((MemPool, char *, size_t));
static GList ParseProperties _ArgProto((MemPool, char *, size_t));
static bool ParseRule _ArgProto((CSSContext, CSSInput));
static bool ParseAt _ArgProto((CSSContext, CSSInput));
static void ParseCSS _ArgProto((CSSContext));
static int scompare _ArgProto((char *, char *));
static bool SelectorListMatch _ArgProto((GList, GList));
static char *ParseToChar _ArgProto((char *, char *, int, bool));
* ParseToChar
* Search for an expected character. Deals with escaped characters,
* quoted strings, and pairs of braces/parens/brackets.
static char *
ParseToChar(cp, ep, c, chkws)
char *cp, *ep;
int c;
bool chkws;
bool sq, dq, esc;
sq = false; /* in single quote? */
dq = false; /* in double quote? */
esc = false; /* escape mode? */
while (cp < ep)
if (esc) esc = false;
else if (*cp == '\\') esc = true;
else if (dq && *cp != '"') dq = false;
else if (sq && *cp != '\'') sq = false;
else if (*cp == '"') dq = true;
else if (*cp == '\'') sq = true;
else if (*cp == c) return(cp);
else if (chkws && isspace8(*cp)) return(cp);
else if (*cp == '{')
if ((cp = ParseToChar(cp + 1, ep, '}', false)) == NULL) return(NULL);
else if (*cp == '(')
if ((cp = ParseToChar(cp + 1, ep, ')', false)) == NULL) return(NULL);
else if (*cp == '[')
if ((cp = ParseToChar(cp + 1, ep, ']', false)) == NULL) return(NULL);
* ParseAt
* This is lame. Handle @ statements later.
* Return false if @import occured. Return true if not.
static bool
ParseAt(css, ci)
CSSContext css;
CSSInput ci;
while (ci->cp < ci->ep)
if (*ci->cp == '{')
if ((ci->cp = ParseToChar(ci->cp + 1, ci->ep, '}', false)) == NULL)
ci->cp = ci->ep;
else if (*ci->cp == ';')
* ParseSpace
* Look for non-space and deal with comments.
static char *
ParseSpace(s, e)
char *s, *e;
bool sc, ec, ic;
sc = false; /* possible start comment? */
ec = false; /* possible end comment? */
ic = false; /* in comment? */
while (s < e)
if (ic)
if (ec && *s == '/') ic = false;
else if (*s == '*') ec = true;
else ec = false;
else if (sc && *s == '*') ic = true;
else if (*s == '/') sc = true;
else if (!isspace8(*s)) return(s);
else sc = false;
static CSSProperty
ParseProperty(mp, s, slen)
MemPool mp;
char *s;
size_t slen;
char *ep, *colon, *x;
CSSProperty prop;
ep = s + slen;
/* get rid of space in front of the declaration */
if ((s = ParseSpace(s, ep)) == NULL) return(NULL);
/* search for the required colon or white space */
if ((colon = ParseToChar(s, ep, ':', true)) == NULL) return(NULL);
prop = (CSSProperty)MPCGet(mp, sizeof(struct CSSPropertyP));
prop->name = (char *)MPGet(mp, colon - s + 1);
strncpy(prop->name, s, colon - s);
prop->name[colon - s] = '\0';
/* May have only reached white space before */
if (*colon != ':')
/* search for the required colon */
if ((colon = ParseToChar(colon, ep, ':', false)) == NULL) return(NULL);
/* remove space in front of the value */
if ((s = ParseSpace(colon + 1, ep)) == NULL) return(NULL);
prop->value = (char *)MPGet(mp, ep - s + 1);
/* Copy the value until end of input or whitespace is seen */
x = prop->value;
while (s < ep)
if (isspace8(*s)) break;
*x++ = *s++;
*x = '\0';
if (strlen(prop->name) == 0 || strlen(prop->value) == 0) return(NULL);
static GList
ParseProperties(mp, s, slen)
MemPool mp;
char *s;
size_t slen;
char *last;
char *ep;
GList properties;
CSSProperty prop;
properties = GListCreateX(mp);
ep = s + slen;
while (s < ep)
last = s;
s = ParseToChar(s, ep, ';', false);
if (s == NULL) s = ep;
if (last < s && (prop = ParseProperty(mp, last, s - last)) != NULL)
GListAddTail(properties, prop);
if (GListGetHead(properties) == NULL) return(NULL);
static CSSSelector
ParseSelector2(mp, s, slen)
MemPool mp;
char *s;
size_t slen;
CSSSelector cs;
char *tag = NULL;
char *id = NULL;
char *class = NULL;
char *pclass = NULL;
char *ep;
char *t;
cs = (CSSSelector)MPCGet(mp, sizeof(struct CSSSelectorP));
t = MPGet(mp, slen + 1);
strncpy(t, s, slen);
t[slen] = '\0';
s = t;
if (*s == '#') id = s + 1;
else if (*s == '.') class = s + 1;
else if (*s == ':') pclass = s + 1;
tag = s;
ep = s + slen;
while (s < ep)
if (*s == '#') { id = s + 1; *s = '\0'; break; }
else if (*s == '.') { class = s + 1; *s = '\0'; break; }
else if (*s == ':') { pclass = s + 1; *s = '\0'; break; }
else s++;
cs->tag = tag;
cs->id = id;
cs->class = class;
cs->pclass = pclass;
static GList
ParseSelector1(mp, s, slen)
MemPool mp;
char *s;
size_t slen;
char *ep = s + slen;
char *cp;
char *last;
CSSSelector cs;
GList selectors;
if ((s = ParseSpace(s, ep)) == NULL) return(NULL);
selectors = GListCreateX(mp);
last = s;
cp = s;
while (cp < ep)
if (isspace8(*cp))
if ((cs = ParseSelector2(mp, last, cp - last)) != NULL)
GListAddTail(selectors, cs);
if ((cp = ParseSpace(cp, ep)) == NULL) break;
last = cp;
else cp++;
if (last < cp)
if ((cs = ParseSelector2(mp, last, cp - last)) != NULL)
GListAddTail(selectors, cs);
if (GListGetHead(selectors) == NULL) return(NULL);
* ParseSelector
static GList
ParseSelector(mp, s, slen)
MemPool mp;
char *s;
size_t slen;
GList slist, xlist;
char *ep;
char *last;
slist = GListCreateX(mp);
ep = s + slen;
while (s < ep)
last = s;
s = ParseToChar(s, ep, ',', false);
if (s == NULL) s = ep;
if (last < s && (xlist = ParseSelector1(mp, last, s - last)) != NULL)
GListAddTail(slist, xlist);
if (GListGetHead(slist) == NULL) return(NULL);
* scompare
* do the sort of string comparison that we need here
static int
scompare(s1, s2)
char *s1, *s2;
if (s1 == s2) return(0);
if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) return(-1);
if (strlen(s1) != strlen(s2)) return(-1);
return(strcasecmp(s1, s2));
* ParseRule
* Parse a single rule. Return false if parsing error that leads to EOF.
static bool
ParseRule(css, ci)
CSSContext css;
CSSInput ci;
char *last;
GList slist;
GList plist;
CSSRule cr;
slist = GListCreateX(css->mp);
last = ci->cp;
if ((ci->cp = ParseToChar(ci->cp, ci->ep, '{', false)) == NULL)
ci->cp = ci->ep;
slist = ParseSelector(css->mp, last, ci->cp - last);
ci->cp++; /* need to get past the '{' from above */
last = ci->cp;
if ((ci->cp = ParseToChar(ci->cp, ci->ep, '}', false)) == NULL)
ci->cp = ci->ep;
plist = ParseProperties(css->mp, last, ci->cp - last);
* Return true because parse was successful.
if (plist == NULL || GListGetHead(plist) == NULL ||
slist == NULL || GListGetHead(slist) == NULL) return(true);
cr = (CSSRule)MPCGet(css->mp, sizeof(struct CSSRuleP));
cr->selectors = slist;
cr->properties = plist;
GListAddTail(css->rules, cr);
* ParseCSS
* Toplevel parser loop.
static void
CSSContext css;
CSSInput ci = (CSSInput)GListGetHead(css->inputs);
if (ci == NULL)
if (css->proc == NULL) return;
* Should call callback here because this means all CSS text including
* remote text has been parsed. Callback must be made from a toplevel
* task so create a task first.
ci->cp = ParseSpace(ci->cp, ci->ep);
while (ci->cp != NULL && ci->cp < ci->ep)
if (*ci->cp == '@')
if (!ParseAt(css, ci)) return;
else if (!ParseRule(css, ci)) return;
ci->cp = ParseSpace(ci->cp, ci->ep);
CSSParseBuffer(cs, b, blen, proc, closure)
ChimeraContext cs;
char *b;
size_t blen;
CSSProc proc;
void *closure;
CSSContext css;
MemPool mp;
CSSInput ci;
mp = MPCreate();
css = (CSSContext)MPCGet(mp, sizeof(struct CSSContextP));
css->mp = mp;
css->cs = cs;
css->rules = GListCreateX(mp);
css->props = GListCreateX(mp);
css->inputs = GListCreateX(mp);
css->proc = proc;
css->closure = closure;
ci = (CSSInput)MPCGet(mp, sizeof(struct CSSInputP));
ci->b = b;
ci->blen = blen;
ci->cp = b;
ci->ep = b + blen;
GListAddHead(css->inputs, ci);
* CSSDestroyContext
CSSContext css;
static bool
SelectorListMatch(slist1, slist2)
GList slist1, slist2;
CSSSelector cs, ncs;
* This code needs attention. It compares two selector lists.
for (cs = (CSSSelector)GListGetHead(slist1),
ncs = (CSSSelector)GListGetHead(slist2);
cs != NULL && ncs != NULL;
cs = (CSSSelector)GListGetNext(slist1),
ncs = (CSSSelector)GListGetNext(slist2))
if (scompare(ncs->tag, cs->tag) != 0 ||
scompare(ncs->id, cs->id) != 0 ||
scompare(ncs->class, cs->class) != 0 ||
scompare(ncs->pclass, cs->pclass) != 0)
if (ncs != NULL || cs != NULL) return(false);
* CSSCreateSelector
MemPool mp;
return((CSSSelector)MPCGet(mp, sizeof(struct CSSSelectorP)));
* CSSSetSelector
CSSSetSelector(cs, tag, id, class, pclass)
CSSSelector cs;
char *tag, *id, *class, *pclass;
cs->tag = tag;
cs->id = id;
cs->class = class;
cs->pclass = pclass;
* CSSFindProperty
char *
CSSFindProperty(css, selectors, name)
CSSContext css;
GList selectors;
char *name;
CSSProperty p;
GList slist, xlist;
CSSSelector h;
if ((h = GListGetHead(selectors)) != GListGetTail(selectors))
slist = GListCreate();
GListAddHead(slist, h);
else slist = NULL;
for (p = (CSSProperty)GListGetHead(css->props); p != NULL;
p = (CSSProperty)GListGetNext(css->props))
if (scompare(p->name, name) == 0)
for (xlist = (GList)GListGetHead(p->cr->selectors); xlist != NULL;
xlist = (GList)GListGetNext(p->cr->selectors))
if ((slist != NULL && SelectorListMatch(xlist, slist)) ||
SelectorListMatch(xlist, selectors))
if (slist != NULL) GListDestroy(slist);
if (slist != NULL) GListDestroy(slist);
* CSSPrintSelectorList
GList slist;
CSSSelector s;
for (s = (CSSSelector)GListGetHead(slist); s != NULL;
s = (CSSSelector)GListGetNext(slist))
if (s->tag != NULL) fprintf (stderr, "%s ", s->tag);
if (s->id != NULL) fprintf (stderr, "%s ", s->id);
if (s->class != NULL) fprintf (stderr, "%s ", s->class);
if (s->pclass != NULL) fprintf (stderr, "%s ", s->pclass);
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
* CSSPrint
CSSContext css;
CSSRule cr;
CSSSelector cs;
GList slist;
CSSProperty prop;
for (cr = (CSSRule)GListGetHead(css->rules); cr != NULL;
cr = (CSSRule)GListGetNext(css->rules))
for (slist = (GList)GListGetHead(cr->selectors); slist != NULL;
slist = (GList)GListGetNext(cr->selectors))
for (cs = (CSSSelector)GListGetHead(slist); cs != NULL;
cs = (CSSSelector)GListGetNext(slist))
printf ("%s ", cs->tag);
printf (", ");
printf ("{\n");
for (prop = (CSSProperty)GListGetHead(cr->properties); prop != NULL;
prop = (CSSProperty)GListGetNext(cr->properties))
printf ("\t%s : %s;\n", prop->name, prop->value);
printf ("}\n");
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
CSSContext css;
FILE *fp;
char *b;
char *name;
struct stat st;
GList slist;
CSSSelector cs;
MemPool mp;
if (argc < 2) exit(1);
if (stat(argv[1], &st) != 0) exit(1);
if ((b = (char *)alloc_mem(st.st_size)) == NULL) exit(1);
if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) exit(1);
fread(b, 1, st.st_size, fp);
css = CSSParseBuffer(NULL, b, st.st_size, NULL, NULL);
mp = MPCreate();
slist = GListCreate();
cs = CSSCreateSelector(mp);
CSSSetSelector(cs, "H5", NULL, NULL, NULL);
GListAddHead(slist, cs);
name = "white-space";
if ((b = CSSFindProperty(css, slist, name)) != NULL)
printf ("%s == %s\n", name, b);
else printf ("%s not found\n", name);